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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4574983 [View]
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Analysis isn't set theory
Do you have math education on that shitty uncivilized barbaric island of yours?
You're probably a retard because you're inbred like everyone else on that tiny island
Immigrants are the only people in the UK who aren't inbred

>> No.4164235 [View]
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If you're so smart why did you

>> No.3725529 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey look, it's the right answer.

>mfw OP thinks he got it right, but the interviewer knows OP is a tool

>> No.3587412 [View]
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>If 100% of your neurones were activated you brain would collapse by the eat

>Sorry, you're stupid.

>> No.3342020 [View]
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>> No.2989954 [View]
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Hello Mr Anderson, it's good to see you again. I believe the answer you're looking for is a=2 and n= 110.

>> No.2610478 [View]
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i`m sure you`re an idiot

>> No.2524249 [View]
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>> No.2189007 [View]
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You guys fuckung suck man.

Even the most pathetic troll attampt will succeed in a stiff "debate".
between asperger`s who want to make sure nothing they have said in the past can be seen as an "untrue" statement.

>> No.2016726 [View]
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So sad despite new QM insights, retarded determinists and arrogant nihilists still insist there is no possibility for free choice.

Seriously, you guys probebly haven`t read a sceintific magazine scince the late 70`s.

>> No.1743389 [View]
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Really, if helping other people doesn`t give you a good feeling anymore you should ask yourself what have you become ?
You 11 dimensional determinist atheist zombie.

>> No.1729275 [View]
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>> No.1557137 [View]
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>Forming a final opinion on your entire worldview and refusing to change it is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard of doing.

Nice to see you making a selective quote.
I clearly said my worldview is PROBEBLY final. (i`t comparable to chosing you`re partner for life. When i`ve been trough some obstacles and i still don`t see any reason for doubt, i don`t expect to get any doubts about my worldview soon)


>> No.1528585 [View]
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fuck you.
you are so arrogant i don`t even want to argue with you because it probebly will make no sense.
You will sooner or later find out time is just an extra dimension though. if you have a 2 dimensional sphere, add time to it, you have x,y and time as a third dimension.

>> No.1528574 [DELETED]  [View]
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fuck you.
you are so arrogant i don`t even want to argue with you because it probebly will make no sense.
You will find out time is just an extra dimension though. if you have a 2 dimensional sphere, add time to it, you have x,y and time as a third dimension.

>> No.1506979 [View]
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>Intellectual meltdown ???
Only if you`re a close minded reatard with a verry fragile worldview.

>> No.1482053 [View]
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>implying infinity is a difficult concept which can only be understood by smart people like you.

Just keep your bullshit with you even a 5 years old child who can add 1 to a number understands what is meant by infinity you retard.
I`t just as simple as that. Even einstein had no more understanding of what infinity exactly is then a that 5 years old kid.

>> No.1439100 [View]
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Fucking shit,
being sceptical ==> okey

But this shit is pure christian-bashing and making conclusions that hit edge nor shore.

>> No.1432759 [View]
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it is RETARDED to say you "LACK A BELIEVE" in the first place...
you either believe something or you don`t.
in what degree you believe in it or how sure you are about the subject is not an element of believing.
believing can even been done uncounsiously.

>> No.1395754 [View]
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>who has a lack of belief in God, and in anything else for which there is no evidence.

you suck big time you know that, oh wait there is no evidence for it.

>> No.1386517 [View]
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>implying; No reason to believe other galexies work the way our does, no reason to believe the evolution theorie right etc,etc...

Where is the sceintific evidences in the BELIEVE that laws of nature are constant at any time, on any place, on any scale.

scince we don`t know where they come from it is possible there even were no laws of nature back 6000 years ago, there is no evidence to disprove this.

I know it is an extreme statement but what i want to say is that believing appears to be the destiny of a human.
It is impossible to form a grounded and stable worldview whithout believing anything.

>> No.1311744 [View]
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typical atheist here...
prove me religion and philosophy is bullshit.

Just becouse you are not intrested in the subjects (becouse of your preferences or social image) doesn`t mean it`s automaticly bullshit to others...

>> No.945665 [View]
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You remind me of that asshole kid who always sits in front of the classroom and always wanted to be right.
And when we had fun messing around, he was always the first to betray us to our teacher.
He is now an adult and he is atheist, lives on his own and no one likes him at all.

Hope you get cancer you arrogant piece of shit.

>> No.935734 [View]
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you are an arrogant atheist, Fuck your arrogance is dripping off your post.

i actually didn`t make any false statement lol
IF i am an illusion, matter,atoms,particles are not really the things as they are defied.

But 13 is still 13.

And the quote really did take place, Johannes Kepler wrote it in one of its books.

so how is anything i just say wrong or stupid ???

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