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>> No.11487833 [View]
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- It's not that deadly
- We are sampling the tip of the iceberg
- widescale Antibody testing must be done to establish true CFR
- Germany with 19,848 confirmed and 68 deaths
- Italy with 47,000 confirmed and 4,032 deaths

Shows a large discrepancy that obviously results from differences in confirmed testing.

Why is it so scary then? It hacked human psychology.

R0 is extremely high, at the high end of estimates. Asymptomatic cases are extremely high, probably 5x-20x symptomatic cases

This leads to extreme spread in any society and an extremely compressed peak as compared to normal flu. This scares humanity because it "front loads" all the deaths.

once a year if all the car crash deaths happened in the span of a week it would freak out humanity. This does the same with a flu-like virus. Infecting at a spread rate that is incredible with a huge number of stealth cases and then the 1000 dead seems incredibly scary.

not to mention seasonality.

In any case humans are over-reacting to corona-virus whereas a slow boil more deadly virus the normal flu gets ignored.

>> No.9581228 [View]
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Also once again GWAS offers insight into the underlying functions of said genes. Pretty funny the skeptical retards of the world who said that GWAS was pointless without understanding the fundamental processes behind the genes. Seems that identifying genes that influence an outcome happens to help understand that function more, who would have thought?


Our study identified a large number of genes linked to intelligence. Importantly, we were also able to identify some of the biological processes that genetic variation appears to influence to produce such differences in intelligence, and we were also able to predict intelligence in another group using only their DNA.

Dr David Hill
Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology

>> No.9547301 [View]
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Trump's VA has teemed up with Deepmind to do hospital prediction using 700,000 patient histories. They hope to prevent up to 11% of deaths in the VA system.

https://www.dashgenomics.com will be launching Alzheimer's prediction tests using GWAS this SUMMER.

This willow allow intelligent people to better plan for retirement and abuse insurance companies by getting more end of life coverage ahead of time.

>> No.9498178 [View]
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Intelligence requires a wild imagination that drifts through an immense amount of possibilities. I think this might almost necessitate a personality for AGI. Personality being defined as a variance of architecture. Meaning that it will benefit from changing itself or having a variety of instances with variability similar to in humans.

If we understand imagination properly as the search for viable goal targets which can reduce search times to 2^(N/2) from 2^N without. In the search of interesting goal targets and rotating through an intense amount of imagining to find new novel ones an AGI will need wildness/personality.

You can see this in the relationship between schizophrenia and intelligence. The random thought pattern production in our minds is related to imagination and searching for novel imaginary solutions. Once an imaginary solution is found the algorithmic complexity of arriving at it is again impossibly faster than without the goal target due to "working backwards" and "working forwards" simultaneously with the intention of meeting the two solutions. In fact it's impossible to do anything new without such a goal state in mind.

Schizophrenia (wild imagination) link with Intelligence (problem solving) is not a bug. You have to imagine some imagination capable system with ordinary input, very little will come whereas the same system with a wild imaginative input function will begin creating all sorts of things.

AGI should be explored with the concepts of schizophrenia, dreaming, and imagination in mind as useful tools for "goal state" searches.

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