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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3167348 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, dawkinsrly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can fucking do that, you fuck.

>> No.3135010 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1301837411860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whether blacks are the victims of slavery, segregation or a culture of ignorance is insignificant to them

Stopped reading there.

WTF DUDE? HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID TO THINK THIS SHIT? Are you in highschool? High on drugs?

There are very fucking wealthy black people. I'm sure it matters to them. FYI: The richest people in the world are not all white-men. The richest man in the world is actually a mexican! I'm pretty sure he gives a fuck about latino rights and shit.

Capatalism comes in many shapes and forms, and the capatalism we have today is intertwined with the progress we made in civil rights, its isn't just a bunch of old white men anymore, that kinda capatalism doens't exist anymore. Social progress has effected every aspect of society, even the richest of the rich.

>> No.3116789 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1296360242816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why cant you guys talk English?
>Seriously, I don't understand why you have to use the words you do.

DERP. if you don't know what we're talking about, how about you fuck off and learn something instead of requesting we dumb shit down to your level?

>> No.3042364 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1301449629935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude the Nobel peace prize has always been a fucking joke.

Henry Kissinger won it during his fucking genocides.

It's as if it's the most purposefully opposite award

>> No.2958410 [View]
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>> No.2951009 [View]
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very shitty troll

>> No.2910576 [View]
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>> No.2894567 [View]
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>> No.2845344 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1296005491027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw your understanding of atheism is just one definition that you apply however you want, whenever you want despite any objections from atheists.

>> No.2823724 [View]
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>> No.2797328 [View]
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>> No.2794453 [View]
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>people still believing in nibiru
>planet destroyed by a moon.

>> No.2777860 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, dawkinsrly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that math, the study of numbers, is not a science

>> No.2648004 [View]
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>black matter

>> No.2611931 [View]
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Good troll, but seriously other philosophy students constantly use this dopey shit. It's sometimes phrased science can't give meaning to the universe.
Linguistical human concepts, depends what meaning you want.

WHY does it rain? Condensation from clouds.
We have found more meaning for the clouds.

>> No.2517732 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, dawkinsrly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying weight isn't a force
>implying that mass cannot be measured in pounds.

>> No.2512029 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, dawkinsrly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he thinks stalin was an atheist

>> No.2497544 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, dawkinsrly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if troll...or just very stupid.

hell isn't real.
prove it is, or STFU with your ridiculous religious ramblings.

>> No.2469932 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1288124754966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you saying that a woman who has an interest and an apptitude for science should not compeate with men (on a level field)? If you are, that is just stupid.

You're fucking retarded for pulling that out of your ass. Go read the paper by Baumeister and learn something.

Pic related >mfw I can't have a conversation about gender without somebody labeling me a sexist.

>> No.2447945 [View]
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I see you're in first semester calculus I. So am I. If you want to impress your professor; first use the method of increments on f(x)=x^n to prove the power rule, then prove the sum rule and and other necessary derivative tricks. Then use those rules to differentiate your function and evaluate it at the given point.

>> No.2441657 [View]
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>> No.2413325 [View]
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1287943483578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year 12 Bio class
>Teacher talking about respiration in different animals
> States that fish get oxygen as water is H2O! with oxygen
> I tell him that fish cannot break apart water to get oxygen
> He disagrees
> I state that it is oxygen dissolved in the water that fish use
> He says it is a bit of both
> Year later he tells my brother's bio class the same thing
> mfw

>> No.2409351 [View]
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>> No.2402279 [View]
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