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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8284237 [View]
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Assuming (>>8281782) and OP are the same faggot, then by monitoring your own nerve impulses in the brain while thinking "your thoughts" and you find a correlation, then prove that it is a causation, then you can monitor someone else's brain.
If you find the same or somewhat similar nerve impulses, then you can be sure he is thinking similar thoughts to "your thoughts".

Not so hard after all, is it?

>> No.5075935 [View]
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I want a conversation with a girl where we both know that sex is coming. I never know when sex should be coming.

>> No.5050512 [View]
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We and nature are not used to be that close and move around electric fields as we to today.
People are actually starting to become allergic to electricity and the fields it create.

I've heard about a lady in Norway that could feel when the radar on the opposite mountain sweeped past her every few seconds.

Will be interesting to see if the disease spreads.

>> No.4962622 [View]
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It's called marriage.

>> No.4854854 [View]
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I just wish for mercury and the moon to switch places. I want something new to look at. And the moon is still bigger than mercury.

>> No.4735066 [View]
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I give us 1000 years, maximum. We are fucking this planet too much up.

>> No.4538372 [View]
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"What is closets to earth - sun or moon?"

>> No.4277195 [View]
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yeah tell them
all scientist are hotties
and all models are PHDs
all good looking movie actors publish papers
and the club of beautiful people helps the advancement of science

/sci/ - full of ugly dumb people

>> No.4248491 [View]
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i wish i was female so that i could be a lesbian
so NO!

>> No.3483412 [View]
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how do you deal with the fact that wanting to know or be appreciated is just a human trait like wanting to get laid?

how do you deal with the fact that knowing everything there is to know will not give you some other purpose, and you'll remain just as insignificant as you were before?

>> No.3321480 [View]
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i wish wasn't disgusted with whores

>> No.3216498 [View]
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why would it be better to live more?
don't you see that everything we say and do is just a product of our instincts and environment
and the only reason we live is to fulfill them
be it fucking women
making money
or exploring the word
we either please our lust, greed or curiosity
there is no point in us living
i'm not saying that you should commit a suicide
all i'm saying is that there is no point in continuing the cycle
and if you really want to be humane should you first ask if your children want to live or is it just better to force them anyway so that you could feel like a parent for just a while because you're afraid that you'll be the dropout of society

people should think before they talk

>> No.2800062 [View]
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>your age

>your major
computer science

>your political stance
there is no good government

>your gpa
no gpa in my country

>your goal in life
i'm interested in science in general
i want to know what reality is and if it really is "reality"
but i also know that the things that i'm interested in and want to know are just product of my human instincts
so i'm back to having no general purpose for my existence other than satisfying my prime instincts
that makes me just like every other human or animal on the earth

>> No.2631248 [View]
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but they came with these ideas because the already knew of the old gods
they've stole the concept of god
even the things in religion are basically the same
their prophets were all born from virgins
they all have the same same days as holidays
it's nothing new.. religion just evolved with time
and it will evolve again..
but people will believe because they need to believe
it's not that hard to figure what religion is...

>> No.2408745 [View]
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yeah and?
it's like you can do something about that...

>> No.2226681 [View]
File: 147 KB, 325x324, sad-bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all..
- too much energy wasted
- could project only on one plane visible only from below (heated molecules rush upward distorting the image above)
- fire hazard
- blindness hazard (refraction)

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