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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6527368 [View]
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Does anyone believe that there is an end to the universe.

if so, why?

>> No.6283019 [View]
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Have a trivial question that doesn't deserve its own thread?

This is your place, retarded faggot!

>> No.6212634 [View]
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If we have AC in our houses, and the current is defined by a trigonometric function, why the light doesn't go on and off intermittently?

>> No.6020341 [View]
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Where did it end than and why not everywhere?

>> No.6007246 [View]
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What can replace crude oil?

>> No.5981266 [View]
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I am doing a Double Major in Math and Economics

I know Math won't have many girls, but what about Economics?

>> No.5927891 [View]
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Hey fellow /sci/fags.

i'm doing a lecture on fuel cells in two days, on Monday.

I have some basic knowledge on fuel cells from my high school years, but that was a long time ago. I was wondering if there are any good sites or videos I can watch, that will give me a little bit more info on how fuel cells actually generate electricity.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.5903065 [View]
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A two part question to determine if you "think like a mathematician," from Prof. Eugene Luks, Bucknell University, circa 1979.

Part I: You're in a room that is empty except for a functioning stove and a tea kettle with tepid water in it sitting on the floor. How do you make hot water for tea?

Part II: Next, you're in another room that is empty except for a functioning stove and a tea kettle with tepid water in it sitting on a table. How do you make hot water for tea?

>> No.5897203 [DELETED]  [View]
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I want to go to medschool but I'm not sure what degree would be best to pursue. I first thought of biology or chemistry, but apparently biology and chemistry are really common and medschool are looking for applications that stand out more. So I dunno. I was thinking maybe a BA in biology and assosciates of psychology? I don't like psychology but if it would help make my application stand out in medschool then hell I'll do it for two years, it's a piece of cake.

What do /sci/? I want to completely maximize my chances of getting into medschool.

>> No.5895074 [View]
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Hi. I want to become a general practitioner. In your opinion is a biology degree enough to get into medschool?

>> No.5861790 [View]
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Is reptail, mammal, human brain distinction still considered valid in terms of higher cognitive functions dependant on lower?

>> No.5777128 [DELETED]  [View]
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How fucked am I?

>Dropped out in 10th grade
>18 now
>Live in Canada
>Getting GED in about a month

Going to go to college, will try to get an associates in biology, then transfer to a decent university here.

What do if it doesn't work out as planned?

>> No.5772243 [DELETED]  [View]
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My best friend wants to go to med school to become a psychiatrist right. In high school he had a very high GPA, but he took lower level math, geology and biology. He is going to university to get a BA in psychology. I told him it's going to be really hard for him to get into medschool but he kind of brushes me off and says he'll become a psychiatrist.

So my question is, do you think hee will manage to get into medschool? He's a pretty determined person but I think majoring in psych was a stupid decision for him.

>> No.5714199 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is it possible to select the gender of your child? I don't want girls.

>> No.5627503 [View]
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If <span class="math">\delta_{ij}[/spoiler] is the kronecker delta, then calculate this:

<span class="math">\delta_{ij}\delta_{ij}=?[/spoiler]

and why?

>> No.5579911 [View]
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I am confused.If i have a function f(x,y), fx(x,y)=0 and fy(x,y)=0 are the necessary requirements for the stationary points right?
Must those stationary points also fulfill the requirement that f(x,y)=0 ?

I got this assignment and i feel really dumb for not being able to figure it out:
f(x,y)= -x^3-y^3+27x+3y .I did the x partial derivative and the y and equaled them with 0 and i have x is (3,-3) from the first equation and y is (1,-1) for the second one.The problem is that none of these combinations of x and y fulfill the third requirement that f(x,y)=0
I've tried asking my peers but they ignore me.It's driving me mad please help.

>> No.5365174 [View]
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Sorry to hijack OPs thread- had a quick a look but couldn't see better one to post in.

How do you fund a masters? If I take a student loan for an MEng will it cover all 4 years of uni?

>> No.5325037 [View]
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What are the chemical equilibrium shifts associated with "the bends" or decompression sickness?

>> No.5236573 [View]
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Hey I want to become a mechatronic engineer to build robots and stuff, but I am worried there will be no companies for a major in mechatronics in 8 years that are hiring and I will be poor. Is this true? Could I get other engineering work like mechanical with mechatronics? I always see people on /sci/ talking about engineers sucking on penises and stuff, like mechanical engineers sucking thier bosses penis to keep thier job, is this true? Thanks ;)

>> No.5173818 [View]
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equation for finding the nth term of a sequence

1, 1, -1, 1, -1

>> No.4875405 [View]
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Sup /sci/

Retard IQ peasantfag here, usually lurking /lit/ and /pol/ since I am a halfwit at anything pertaining to mathematics. I wanted to get your perspective on the paradox of omnipotence.

I stumbled upon the omnipotence paradox, the one that states if God could create a rock he couldn't lift, he's not omnipotent, and that if he couldn't create one, he's not omnipotent. Basically if God can't create something more powerful than him then he himself isn't all powerful.

So immediately I read the rebuttal by top "Christian philosophers", which was basically you can't do "1+1=3" and that the logic was false. God can't change the language of the universe in order to create such a rock.

So I gave the definition of omnipotence another gander, and it had the words infinite in it, literally infinite power. So I'd say omnipotence is in fact a paradox.

Discuss. Amirite guise?

>> No.4864677 [View]
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Does diffusion occur more quickly through crystalline or amorphous silicon dioxide?

>> No.4628735 [View]
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Beer and Ice Cream Diet

As we all know, it takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree centigrade. Translated into meaningful terms, this means that if you eat a very cold dessert (generally consisting of water in large part), the natural processes which raise the consumed dessert to body temperature during the digestive cycle literally sucks the calories out of the only available source, your body fat.
For example, a dessert served and eaten at near 0 degrees C (32.2 deg. F) will in a short time be raised to the normal body temperature of 37 degrees C (98.6 deg. F). For each gram of dessert eaten, that process takes approximately 37 calories as stated above. The average dessert portion is 6 oz, or 168 grams. Therefore, by operation of thermodynamic law, 6,216 calories (1 cal./gm/deg. x 37 deg. x 168 gms) are extracted from body fat as the dessert's temperature is normalized. Allowing for the 1,200 latent calories in the dessert, the net calorie loss is approximately 5,000 calories.


>> No.4341224 [DELETED]  [View]
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Would putting a hydraulic generator on the bottom/side of a boat allow it to create electricity as it moves?

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