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>> No.14710362 [View]
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I genuinely do not understand how people live with themselves like that, it's like they do not have their own personal "space" in their mind.
The moment I get into a shower, I visualise scenarios in my head, and just doze off in my own personal space, and it's like I am physically blinded to the real world even if my eyes are open. The only drawback is I can't visualise in colour.

Do those that have this condition even "dream"?

>> No.14604001 [View]
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>> No.14586272 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Romans were so good at war that they were overflowing with slaves. The poor Romans could not compete with slave labor. The Roman elite were worried about social unrest. To solve this problem the elite introduced "Bread and Circuses" to satisfy the most immediate or base requirements of the poor Romans.
In the modern world we call this Welfare.
Robots are the equivalent of slave labor.

>> No.12590326 [View]
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>Can someone explain why?

Greatest 'gift' online stores ever got.
Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, etc.
Also big restaurant chains can survive the forced reduction in customer seating, small restaurants going out of business everywhere.
this 'crises' has GREATLY benefited large businesses that just so happen to donate HUGE money to politicians who created the 'crisis' to slightly above average common cold.

>> No.12196486 [View]
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>Is this guy right?

The proof is in the pudding.

Is there any large country run by black Africans that you would WANT to live in?

Is there an African university creating world class scientists, mathematicians, Engineers?

What black African philosophers do you most admire?

>> No.12112176 [View]
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>What did humans fear so much?

For MOST of history there were MANY species of man, we needed to immediately be able to recognize our own species.

>> No.11287320 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, CB09A72B-B36A-4CFB-B42B-800828E3402D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11181772 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exercise daily
Maintain a healthy body weight
eat a balanced diet
have a stable family life
do not drink, smoke, or do drugs
get a job you LIKE
be a relaxed person and have good friends

ALL theses have been found to extend your life and are free

>> No.10816996 [View]
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> numerous stars older than ours by more years than it took for life to evolve on Earth.

I have no doubt that there is other intelligent life out there, but am almost 100% positive none of them are technologically advanced.

Neanderthal were able to create and control fire, but they never advanced technologically.
North and South Americans even had several rather advanced societies (they were VERY intelligent) but there they never even invented the wheel.
Technological intelligence is *NOT* something that automatically happens for intelligent species.
There may be SUPER intelligent squid creatures out there but they most likely would never even master fire.

>> No.10704577 [View]
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>the north hadn't hadn't had a problem with slavery

Ending slavery was something EVERYONE knew was going to happen.

It was HOW slavery was to be ended.

If done LEGALLY the Govt would pulled Eminent Domain and bought all the slaves.

Lincoln basically STOLE most of all the farming equipment in the South, thus destroying the Southern farming economy.

>> No.10476755 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this chart lies.

It appears that IQ has no relationship to Net Worth and that is probably true, BUT you probably assumed it meant net EARNED worth.

Sam Walton (Walmart founder) left a huge fortune to his family, even if every member was a complete retard moron with sub 50 IQ, their net worth would be HUGE.

You want to see EARNED Net Worth plotted with IQ. THEN there would be a strong relationship.

>> No.10281858 [View]
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>not a single sign of other life let alone intelligent life

Signs of life everywhere. Whenever you hear a scientist try to explain away huge anomalies (like season methane production on mars), that is a clear sign of life.

Where ever you find liquid water you will find life.

TECHNOLOGY using intelligence may be EXTREMELY rare. Neanderthal had the ability to create and sustain fire (sign of actual intelligence) but they never advanced to metal working. There may be billions of intelligent species but almost NONE advance technologically.

>> No.10237129 [View]
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This will answer every question you ever had about elements in your body and even about what your body is worth.


>> No.9935371 [View]
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Super advanced civilization has a HUGELY difficult problem to solve.
Creates an entire galaxy with only one intelligent civilization in it.
The parameters of the galaxy are such that this civilization can survive ONLY if it solves the HUGELY difficult problem.

We are that one intelligent civilization.

>> No.9745274 [View]
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You completely miss what statistics is about, it is about using all the knowledge available to give probabilities of outcomes.

in the Monty Hall problem if you did NOT know about him opening a losing door every time then indeed the probability of you winning is 50% regardless of which door is chosen, but uing the knowledge that of the three doors he will open a losing door, you can then compute the probability to be that the probability is 2 times better if you switch doors.

>> No.9701671 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sir.. as far as we can tell the Brainic nation has not built a single weapon.. Command yells launch all autonomous combat vehicles
5 minutes later Braniac nation has used their superior computing power to override all security protocols to seize control off all autonomous vehicles. War ends! Braniacs win.

>> No.9680968 [View]
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Make a list of 100 things I want to do in my lifetime. Clone/teleport 100 copies of me. Each randomly chooses a lifetime task. We all meet ever year to discuss how things are.

>> No.9608463 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Core mathematics has ONE guiding principle to eliminate the racial and gender based differences in mathematical test scores... NOT to create the Best mathematicians possible.

The best liberal progressive minds worked for years to find a way to equalize mathematical test scores, common core mathematics is their solution.

They do NOT care at all about the quality of the mathematics student produced ONLY that that the students produced do NOT test appreciably different based on gender or race.

>> No.9226239 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The men whom women love are the ones who also love children

same as
The men whom women love love children

same as
Men whom women love love children

same as
Men women love love children

replace love with buffalo (harass)
Men women buffalo buffalo children

All the men, women and children are from Buffalo
Buffalo Men Buffalo women buffalo buffalo Buffalo children

Replace all the men, women and children with buffalo
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

>> No.9190665 [View]
File: 93 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we support our young geniuses that well today
No... sadly Modern American Education is NOT interested in fostering the best minds possible but is interested in increasing the abilities of the LEAST gifted. Rather than create new Einsteins, they want to create smarter Janitors.

"No child left behind", means ignore the gifted and concentrate on the deficient.

>> No.9109027 [View]
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OK... quick lesson in statistics. On average women are better cooks than men (we can all agree on this on AVERAGE). But the BEST cooks in the world are men (most professional chefs ARE men).
Just because Africans may have a lower IQ (ON AVERAGE) does not mean that that the ten smartest people (highest IQs) in the world are not ALL AFRICANS.

>> No.9077876 [View]
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You understand.

>> No.9059911 [View]
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Where else can I openly say, that as a whole blacks seem to be completely inferior to all other races except for physical abilities.
I would like to have this be untrue but except for a few individuals this holds.

Also white liberals LITERALLY hate their own history, culture, and race; they only see the negative in history and the worse parts of their culture and see whitey as the curse of all the other races.

>> No.8960227 [View]
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Humanity BECOMES the super-intelligence, we all link together (this is the guiding directing intelligence) AND link with our machines (these provide the raw computing abilities and the physical labor). Humanity thus ascends to godhood levels of abilities and powers.

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