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>> No.15591244 [View]
File: 434 KB, 722x606, rfk_endocrine_disruptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're correct that a lot of "poltards" deny anthropogenic climate change and global warming, but its mostly the woke, pro-censorship SJW types that say that pesticides and plastic and processed food and that type of stuff isn't an issue. So-called "white nationalists" and "pro-Russian" conspiracy theorists and the "far-right" have been saying for years that stuff like pesticides and plastics are a serious concern, and that we shouldn't be so reliant on modern technology and unquestioning about it's safety. Actually this was just all over the news a few days ago, because RFK was saying that endocrine disruptors could be contributing to gender dysphoria and similar psycho-sexual changes, and he was smeared as a conspiracy theorist by the woke neoliberal left, even though endocrine disruptors are a genuine concern, they are produced by plastics, and they do indeed impact human reproduction and sexuality. Another good example was aspartame. Right wingers have always been skeptical of stuff like aspartame and other processed foods.

In general, leftists tend to be more willing to acknowledge the harms of fossil fuels and CO2 pollution and climate change, but conservatives are typically more willing to acknowledge that plastics and pesticides and other modern agricultural and food-production methods are toxic. This is much more difficult for woke leftist types because any criticism of modern agriculture or modern food production, or the regulatory agencies that deal with this stuff, is perceived by woke leftists as a sort of "anti-science" conspiracy theory. Basically, if you're concerned about things like plastic or modern synthetic pesticide, then you're just a scientifically illiterate white trash MAGAtard who doesn't understand modern science or that modern synthetic pesticides are just objectively better than the primitive and outdated organic farming techniques that all the white trash poltards and small family farms would prefer to use.

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