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>> No.14812419 [View]
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Theorem: High civilizations create it's own cultural and genetic downfall
>natural selection creates a highly fit and intelligent people
>high intelligence (among other things) creates high civilization (science, art, culture, technology etc.)
>high civilization creates luxury, almost everyone lives and reproduces, nullifying selection pressure (in fact now the poor, stupid, and criminal reproduce more than the intelligent, wealthy, and civil)
>creates decadence (materialism, individualism, harm avoidance etc.), and the population experiences dysgenics (+ immigration also contributes to this)
>newer generations are less and less able to maintain a high level of societal functioning
>civilization collapses
There is data to support a decline in general intelligence in the west since at least the mid to late 1800s, commensurate with a 10-15 average IQ point drop (reaction times, working memory, genes associated with educational attainment decreasing in frequency etc.), but that is almost irrelevant since it necessarily must follow from the dysgenic reproductive trends a society introduces with the advent of high civilization. This also explains the strange observation that the west monopolized intellectual achievements for the last 500 years, yet the East Asians score higher on IQ tests now than do Europeans -- they have simply been under this dysgenic effect for much less time given Europe industrialized much earlier.
Hitler addressed this topic in his writings (Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter 3), and as usual he was right

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