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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11094080 [View]
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>So you can provide no evidence that suggests the results aren't in fact more accurate post adjustment?
You can't provide evidence that they are more accurate except "mommy the man on the tv says so," ie muh consensus.
>So in other words you've completely fabricated an insane conspiracy theory with 0 evidence?
There are plenty of other examples of this scientific "community" lying and being less than truthful in the past so it's only rational to be suspicious when they change their data to better fit their narrative.
Nice try though dude.

> current warming.
You cant just cherry pick 10-50 years of a massive fucking trend and say that it's reversing. You are like one of those day traders that when there is a giant macro trend you try to fade it because some whale dumped his shit on that particular day.
Read this paper and weep you dumb fucking faggot:
>Cause of Global Climate Changes: Correlation of Global Temperature, Sunspots, Solar Irradiance, Cosmic Rays etc etc
>Global cooling coincided with changes in sunspot activity, TSI, solar flux, cosmic ray incidence, and rates of production of 14C and 10Be in the upper atmosphere during the Oort, Wolf, Maunder, Dalton, 1880e1915, and 1945e1977 Solar Minimums. Increased 14C and 10Be production during times of increased cosmic radiation serve as a proxy for solar activity.
>Ionization in the atmosphere caused by cosmic rays causes increased cloudiness that reflects incoming sunlight and cools the Earth. The amount of cosmic radiation is greatly affected by the sun’s magnetic field, so during times of weak solar magnetic field, more cosmic radiation reaches the Earth, creating more cloudiness and cooling the atmosphere.
>This mechanism accounts for the global synchronicity of climate changes, abrupt climate reversals, and climate changes on all time scales.

>> No.1118349 [View]
File: 12 KB, 500x336, tsi_vs_temp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice how your chart conveniently cuts off in 2000? That's because the last 10 years of data proves solar activity is not driving global temperature increases. The global warming deniers conveniently cut out that data because it contradicts their beliefs.

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