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>> No.12778773 [View]
File: 553 KB, 1152x720, 93AB9A72-0813-4870-A6FA-8753EC95A379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Sailors, Fighting in the Dance Hall”

>Acidalia Planitia, 2085
>”Grandpa Anon, what was it like when you were young?”
>Well in my time we only ever lived on Earth. A lot of people said that making a home on another world was impossible.
>”You got to see the Connestoga fly for the first time?”
>Ah they called it “Starship” back then. A lot of people said it wouldn’t work. Those were scary days.
>”You gave up everything to come to Mars. You left everyone behind. How did you do it?”
>People are never satisfied with boundaries. All my life I wanted to get up and explore the new frontier. I remember the last time I hugged your great-grandmother. I remember the last time I felt the sun on my face. I remember the last time I felt wind - real wind - blow through my hair. I remember all of these moments. And part of me is sad that you’ll never experience it the way I did.
>”But I can live on the moon and you can’t Grandpa!”
>Ah true I forgot about that.
>”But Grandpa, do you miss Earth?”
>Sometimes. I remember finding out that your great grandmother spent her last years alone in a nursing home. I never got to talk to her in real time after I left. I felt like I betrayed her. One by one all of my friends began to die.
>”Grandpa, are you alright?”
>Its nothing I’m just reminiscing about the past. Let’s head back into the kitchen. I heard your father is cooking tilapia and seaweed tonight. Just be glad he’s a better cook than I ever was.

>> No.12756791 [View]
File: 553 KB, 1152x720, 01662B31-7225-4603-9F4A-72FDE657CD7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don’t know. SN8 showed issues and SN9 fixed them and showed other issues. It could fail who knows mang. As long as they get good data and smooth out Starship more I’ll be happy. Although I really wish it landed.

Keep watching its kino. I also recommend Elon’s first BFR/Starship/formerly ITS presentation from 2016

And if you want some music

Lastly bro’s I’m making a colony of 160-200 kerbals on Duna. Pic related. Where can I post my progress? I have hundreds of pictures right now. The base currently has only 32 members and I’m doing it as realistic as I can while being 100% stock (no DLC, even).

>> No.12742229 [View]
File: 553 KB, 1152x720, 4426611A-123B-4EEA-921A-D83C80EA9529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Just around the corner” has been a cause to delay manned missions to Mars since the 60’s. Even Apollo didn’t even think or Mars until they had NERVA. Robert Zubrin tried to eliminate this “just around the corner” mindset with Mars Direct but NASA didn’t care. Anyhow Nuclear Thermal is a meme I don’t care how much you dumbasses try to shill it. Starship can get to mars faster than a NTR orbit because Starship can aerocapture, while NTR has to burn to enter Mars orbit.

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