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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5551330 [View]
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I would create a 2000 year technology boom in a few decades.

Since I can't speak greek, I will pretend I am a mute.
First I will help the military to be accepted. I will create my own gunpowder and challenge their best warrior to a fight, then shoot him dead, then present my weapon to the king and the powder to him and indicate I can make more.
Once I have my own lab and am accepted, I will develop steel armor and figure out a way to make kevlar with the terrible tools back then. Once I have created the ultimate armed warrior and Greece begins conquering all of its enemies with their new weapons and armor, and I am hailed as the genious of the time, that's when I really begin advancing the civilization.

First I will start with electricity. I will demonstrate how I can create light by boiling water and driving a turbine, utiklizing the world's first steam engine a thousand years before it is even invented. Then I will use this to improve agriculture, pumping up water from deep inside the ground, making any patch of land able to farm. Also with my geographic knowledge of resources I will introduce them to crude oil after we invade and conquer the middle east, after which I will demonstrate the world's first combustion engine.
With the advent of electricity, I will create the world's first printing press and educate the masses about how knowledge and literacy is power.

With power being generated across the empire, which stretches across most of the globe, conquered under steel and gunpowder and books being printed about our great empire and introducing math, literacy and calculus as standard education, the entire world will be under a new golden age.

After mechanized farming, population literacy and numeracy is standard, after peace has been stomped into the entire world (and I single handedly discover America) I will begin to attempt even greater feats of technology.

>> No.5502991 [View]
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OP, I'm doing the same thing as you. Is this year your last year in sixth form (finishing in july?)
I'm going to self-learn the vast majority of calculus, brush up on any particular topics I struggled on up to that point. I'm going to try to learn a programming language which will help with the computing side of physics.
I will also be getting a head start on some of the physics topics and attempt to cover the broad curriculum and get at least a basic understanding of every topic in all the 4 years of the masters. This will greatly help the information sink in when I come to formally learn it.

While doing all this, I will be working (lightly) to get some bank for help with upkeep for food and shit in university and I will be closing any loose-ends that I want to get out of the way from distracting me.
Finish writing my book (typical ameteur sci-fi, but i've always wanted to write a book)
travel some of Europe (will do this the summer before starting uni)
and do anythign else that would otherwise distract me.

>> No.5250476 [View]
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>Ausies in charge of science education

>> No.5203509 [View]
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>Then the only human intervention maybe is a guy who comes in when a community alarm goes off saying that the 3D printer is running low on materials

I just had an image in my head of a printer in a room that starts beeping
one person slowly turns his head in horror and smashes an emergency glass containing a button
when this button is pressed, sirens in all the cities in the world go off and people stop what they are doing and drop to their knees looking at the sky in horror, hoping they survive the cataclysm
then out of a door bursts a hero, holding aloft a cartridge of ink, who slow-mo races to the printer, pushing people aside in desperation
he then slots in the ink and the red flashing light turns a steady green
he then slowlty turns and says ''alas, the deed is done''
mass celebrations were then had worldwide and that guy got so much pussy he died of overpussydose aqnd was forever remembered as the hero of the gaes

I need to drink less coffee at 3am

>> No.4999226 [View]
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>he thinks he knows anything about business

you just confirmed you know nothing yourself.
If you have life-saving medecine, you don't sell it to a thousand people for 10 dollars a pop, you sell it to the people who ''really'' need it for 10,000 dollars a pop.
The supply over price model only works if you have a product that you can keep making, since then more exposure is better since you can make up small margins through quantity.
However, if you have a finite resource, you don't sell it to everyone on the cheap, eeking out a small margin, because it will be gone too quickly. You sell it to those who really need it for a premium price, making each unit of that resource more profitable.

>> No.4742229 [View]
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Introverted - 100%
Intuitive - 38%
Thinking - 75%
Judging - 65%

>mfw 100% introverted

>> No.3845570 [View]
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That's right, mate.

>> No.3812334 [View]
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>A replicator works by rearranging subatomic particles
Nope. Needs too much energy.

>> No.2947557 [View]
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thread made me laugh

>> No.2809358 [View]
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>implying organic chemistry isn't easier than art class

>> No.2767435 [View]
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>he actually enjoys math

>> No.2675153 [View]
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>he's never met a talking snake

>> No.2228790 [View]
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/k/ommando here

like i said before, we might want more than a simple alliance.

a government formed from /k/-/sci/-/ck/-/an/, in a counsel type structure, would work out pretty well. Essentially, think of each board as a branch of common living:

/k/- Defense, military procedure
/sci/- Scientific advancement and understanding
/an/- Environment friendly, animal domestication
/ck/- health, nutrition, possibly medicine

if we want this to work, we need to bind together

>> No.1685990 [View]
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What you would do is wipe men off earth or start a war and then lose.

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