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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14496844 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, CC5A8220-7F52-4AB1-9397-D3562A4768CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 22 going to community college and I feel like that. But I also don’t drink at all and I wake up early to hit the gym everyday. Once I cut down my vidya consumption by 90% and treated classes like a game and min maxed the rules on the syllabus I’ve been getting A’s in all classes. I also finish assignments like a week ahead of the deadline, I’ve finally overcome procrastination.

After working minimum wagie jobs for a while I’m inspired to bust my ass to get a solid well paying white collar job, and grinding math is more interesting and less mind numbing than an Amazon warehouse.

I’m glad I didn’t fall for the college meme after high school. Too many friends I know went to college straight out of high school, joined a frat, and spent most of their time getting wasted. Even after they graduated, many had taken meme degrees or they took good degrees but didn’t try that hard and didn’t work to get internships and shit. Now they have a shit ton of debt and are forced to work the same wagie jobs I am. They’re not high IQ enough to get disciplined and abandon their vices to put in the work to make their degree actually useful.

I knew coming out of high school I wasn’t mentally ready yet. If you aren’t in the top 10% of your highschool or getting crazy scholarships for sports, you should do community college instead for a while or put off college until you’re motivated and interested, and ready to actually study and exploit all the resources available to you.

>> No.12326435 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1597703889552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems core to his refutation of closed individualism though, because it suggests that the image of one plasma screen is transferable to another and non-unique
"There is birth into every moment. Every moment is one of birth and death."
This has a passing resemblance with the true but isn't necessarily true. Our entire planet could be RKO'd by an asteroid, making a moment of only death and no birth. Where are our consciousnesses assigned to then? "It doesn't make sense to ask which toddler you become, you become all of them."
Who is "you", what transmigrates if not our souls? Where do those souls reside when they are waiting for something to be born?
So many questions.

>> No.9210740 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1506342488820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smuggling water

>> No.9187922 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1506007417790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on CRISPR, how far away are we from modyfing genes of fully developed human?
If it's already possible to change your genes, where can I do it? This russian guy from >>/pol/142657366 talks like he know shit and advertises addgene.org to modify your gut flora by your own.

>More important. when I can order my catgirl?

>> No.9089022 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1501342982904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes well done Elon, well done

now breed with another virgin starlet you howling ape of metal, squirt your semen into the sopping cunt of another 19 year old english actress you disgusting freak breed you cretinous insect

>> No.6878341 [View]
File: 349 KB, 757x632, 1415904758958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, we're talking about an organization here.

I would cringe if I were part of his team, not because of the shirt's implications, but the shirt itself.

It's a gun + babes Hawaiian shirt. Maybe a nice Hawaiian shirt or silk bowler shirt would be okay due to the celebratory nature of the event.

Unfortunately, this guy is going to have to regret the decision on two levels: professionally, and because of the consequential backlash on the internet against him.

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