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>> No.15933341 [View]
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Enviromental influences will overload their systems, this is true of not just technological enviroments but social ones. Autistic people need a place with more calm and a deliberate emphasis on focus and learning, but not just learning as it is traditionally defined by contemporary societal and cultural frameworks (As without going into that argument our education "System" is not conducive to the growth and evolution of the indiviudal human being) but a learning enviroment that teaches them to intake the things around them without getting overloaded, giving them a foundational education that will help them cope with extreme industrial enviromental pressures and expectations (Your basics like math and language) but also enough self reflection that they can operate in these enviroments without feeling the need to lash out (As self reflection is not something that can be taught in a choatic enviroment).

I do not recomend parenting books as they are catered to a particular social framework and as such they generally lack perspective, though I can list some psychology authors I've enjoyed and list the pros and cons of both, in addition to some research materials on the history of autism that I found interesting.

>R.D. Laing
Experimental psychiatrist who placed more emphasis on understanding the world as the patient percieves it as opposed simply conforming the patient to our expectations of they ought to behave, his experiments in communes might have been chaotic as he was not prepared to reconcile completely incorrigible individuals, that said his work with understanding the schizophrenic cannot be understated (Refering to his most famous testament with the 10 schizophrenic women who he "Cured" by just talking to them like a human being, but those same women relapsed to schizophrenic behaviours upon returning to their family units.)

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