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>> No.12706004 [View]
File: 87 KB, 1280x760, sabot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CNN will love that. They will run 24/7 coverage of the violent Nazis who oppose vaccination. The message will be clear: Nazis don't want anyone to be able to get the vaccine and are willing to kill you, doctors, and nurses to stop the vaccine. Anyone who opposes everyone getting the vaccine = violent Nazi who needs to be neutralized.
It doesn't matter if you're only trying to keep for being forced to get it, the second you're violent or even threaten violence, you become a set piece for them. It's quite the system they've created where if you fight them, they automatically win, and if you give in, they win too because you're taking the injection you didn't want.
The only solution at this point is to throw metaphoric sabots into the machinery until it becomes too much trouble for them to force anyone into vaccination against their will. Right now they're trying to make your life as difficult as possible if you choose not to get it. Flipping the script by making distribution of the vaccine to the unwilling as expensive as possible is the solution, at least for now.
This has already happened unintentionally by those who are eligible to receive the vaccine but are generally irresponsible causing does to go unused and wasted because they're scheduling appointments that they either forget about, get the wrong date/time due to being disorganized, or don't understand the concept at all. Many sites have had to get stricter about their policies because so many doses are being wasted. Now imagine what will happen when the unwilling are pushed into using that same system. Tossing sand in the gears instead of trying to blow up the factory has always worked better for the disempowered.

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