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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16049145 [View]
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>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.16037423 [View]
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>> No.15724254 [DELETED]  [View]
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>shit eating schizo is seething at my superiority again

>> No.15571393 [View]
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>he got filtered by the spheres melodies

>> No.15541249 [View]
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>wall of text
not reading your autistic screeching but I appreciate you caring so much you wrote all that

>> No.15460116 [View]
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Oh I just realized poor, stupid people dont know how to read charts. Yah you can find the charts anywhere but not the entry point and profit you poor retard

>> No.15273080 [View]
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>North africa is less black right now that in the past
Yah ...no.Until white inventions allowed negroes to travel great distances they were relegated to small pockets of Africa. North Africa was populated almost entirely of whites as recetnyl as 3000 years ago

>> No.15260048 [View]
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I will bet everything I own you have never read more than 5 books in your entire life

>> No.15257221 [View]
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imagine getting duped by Jews to inject genome changing mystery juice and coping this hard. stockholm syndrome is some crazy sheeeit

>> No.15242888 [View]
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also it is hilarious how you psueds think math is "hard to understand." for anyone with triple digit iq. It is just an algorihtm like baking a cake. You are just a glorified baker

>> No.15028893 [View]
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it funny because it's true

>> No.14977857 [View]
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materialists cant even prove a material word even exists outside of their mind. that's checkmate bitch

>> No.14865063 [View]
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>the people who live in the region have no idea what their ancestors, whom they put on their money, looked like
>but me some retarded nigger who clearly has no clue what he is talking about does
THIS is why you never let niggers or Jews into positions of power in white nations

>> No.14858996 [View]
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daily reminder that the "x" and "pol" "schizos" told you morons this was coming for almost a decade. We told you not to take the vaccine and thought it was great fun to run your mouth and act a fool while we were preparing. Who is having the last laugh?

>> No.14856706 [View]
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>literally a jeet

>> No.14782706 [DELETED]  [View]
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>psued half wit talking shit about Doug Marret
>thinks anyone will take him seriously
Doug Marret will make you look illiterate. I know him personally and if you would like to debate him I would be glad to set it up on jewtube live

>> No.14731154 [View]
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remember how they called us /pol/,nazis and conspiracy theorists on this board just a few years ago for telling them this was all coming right around the corner?

>> No.14711922 [View]
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>this level of autism

>> No.14675045 [View]
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>here is this extravagant strawman I will create from thin air with my perfectly sound and rational mind that makes me superior to you and doesnt have any narcissistic tendencies whatsoever
>I am so science!

>> No.14610027 [View]
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>> No.14600971 [View]
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>these levels of projection

>> No.14542368 [View]
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>autistic midwit screeching

>> No.14535126 [View]
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>he thinks employers care about college bullshit on your resume

>> No.14527542 [View]
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>he doesnt know

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