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Civil Space traffic coordination system progressing, Boeing keeps the pork flowing, ESA Aeolus successful semi-controlled re-entry offers a new way to control space junk
> Office of Space Commerce touts progress on civil space traffic coordination system
> WAIMEA, Hawaii — After a slow start, the Commerce Department says it is making progress on establishing a civil space traffic coordination system that will rely on both commercial and government data.
> TraCSS, though, will rely extensively on government resources as well, particularly data from the Defense Department. “We could not be where we are without DOD and NASA,” he said, with NASA handling research and development activities linked to TraCSS.
> Air Force validates Boeing’s new WGS satellite
> In a letter to congressional committees, the Air Force certifies that WGS-12 can’t be replaced by commercial alternatives
> Boeing’s space sector leader Kay Sears said the company provided the Air Force data that the service used for the certification. The company’s analysis, she said, showed that WGS communications are much more difficult to jam than commercial services currently available.
> With a New Deorbiting Method, ESA’s Aeolus Offers New Space Junk Strategy
> After completing its mission, the Aeolus team decided to use the remaining propellant for a safe, assisted reentry into Earth’s atmosphere.
> “My personal view is that we have proven that a satellite can now be reentered using another approach, a kind of semi-controlled reentry in addition to the uncontrolled and the controlled one,” Tommaso Parrinello, ESA’s Aeolus Mission Manager, told SpaceRef

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