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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9319730 [View]
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I have to disagree, minority IQ levels (in the USA) have seen a spike in normalization in recent years, most likely due to improved diet. To address the divergence of Asian IQ, diets high in fats and niacin in early life show a direct correlation with improved cognitive function in later life, and as it so happens, most Asiatic cuisine is high in both nutrients. Noticeably so more than western diets. Nordic countries also have a high fatty acid and niacin consumption, and also have higher cognitive function on average.

Genetics is the very fundamental basis of intelligence yes, but with unrestricted gene flow (which we have) and, again, normalization of external factors (which is happening), this will return to a mean.

>> No.9112444 [View]
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>What's gonna happen to science when everyone is mixed race?

Define "mixed race" technically more than 95% of the human population has some variance of non-first generation, non-local population dna in themselves. This is why science places population genomes into haplogroups and then measures them by distance (what percentage of identified genes are similar to others).

Also even if the population of mixed race (traditionally viewed as first-generation) increases, due to key bottlenecks such as economic mobility and language barriers you will never reach 100% or 90% for that matter. Even in places like Brazil economic mobility can stratify certain populations to be more homogeneous than the national average.

>Do you think pol is right and the world will descend into mediocre shit?

Nope, because again it has technically already happened for thousands of years. Also while science is big the total proportion of people it employed with respect to the overall population is minuscule.

I believe in the U.S. alone Congressional research stated that in 2012 there were around 6 million scientist and engineers accounting for a little under 5% of the registered U.S. population. For context the bureau of labor statistics in 2012 stated the unemployment rate to be around 7.8% or roughly 12 million unemployed.

So you don't actually need a significantly large population to progress science, even if the IQ average dropped due to a large increase in mixing, a 5% average of the total population (may vary depending on the population size in question) is enough. Obviously more people help but it's no where near the doomsday scenario /pol/ makes it out to be for the science community.

>> No.9090812 [View]
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Not him but I'd argue neither money nor civilization is the problem but individuals feeling emboldened (as if they earned it) by their position (be it rich, poor, of a particular race, religion, nationality or culture) to justify their feelings and actions.

They fail to recognize their acquired position is thanks merely to predefined events out of their control/ random chance.

Perhaps the idea of "earned" consequence has blinded society into stumbling onto ideological warfare. The real idiocracy comes not from the less intelligent masses but from the inability for everyone to recognize that resources are being wasted on a war of minds that has no true "endgame" due to the premise that random chance being a critical foundation for a person's position in life has no discernable endgame itself.

Which leads to anger on all sides because they need a monster or cause to fight against. Because otherwise they have one less thing to justify or live for. Something which would be hard to accept as there would be no one to blame not even their self.

>> No.9063233 [View]
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>The research adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that sexual rendezvous between different archaic human species may not have been unusual.
>Past studies have concluded that the forebears of modern humans in Asia and Europe interbred with other early hominin species, including Neanderthals and Denisovans. The new research is among more recent genetic analyses indicating that ancient Africans also had trysts with other early hominins.

Oh no! Ancient populations in Africa fucked a different a ancient population just like the ancient population in Europe and Asia did.

>> No.9060763 [View]
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Why do humans love dogs so much. When my dog greets me after work it gives me the warm and fuzzies. Is there a biological reason humans form emotional bonds with animals of species?

>> No.9034689 [View]
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Maybe because our world is in a containment/experimental zone that is against the experimenters' law for other species to intervene in such a zone? Our "observable universe" could only be as big as a blade of grass on a football field. And the nucleus of one of its cells that is our solar system has been deemed off limits.

>> No.8636940 [View]
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I often read about how college is a scam, and not everyone should go.

I agree with this 100%. However, college is fucking cool and studying maths professionally sounds dank af.

But at the same time, it could be upheld as a hobby. What convinces you, anon, to stay in school despite knowing it's an overpriced scam?

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