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>> No.4827051 [View]
File: 37 KB, 417x298, tanLe-TED.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching TED talk

>Tan Le demonstrating a cheap brainwave reader

>Could be used to control artificial limbs, help disabled people communicate and many other practical benefits

>Scroll down to read comments:

>"this might would for choosing what music you want to listen too but don't see it being practical also it will make people very lazy ..tv turn on no walking even to find remote,lights on, door open. we should get outside more"

>"The negative possibilities of this iceberg could trump the worst 20th century atrocities imaginable. Lets have an honest and frank conversation about the ethical and realistic uses of this powerful technology. Wake up."

>"The first SANE comment in this article. What an absolutely dangerous device this could turn out to be. When will scientists and developers realise that we might not be the best species to have access to these things? Where do they go to far?"

>"It's funny, i don't mean to make myself out to be a loon.... but look at movies like Terminator.... years ago it seemed SO ADVANCED technologicaly.... does it still seem as far fetched? would a modern child even give it a second thought? I really fear for our survival. We haven't a CLUE how this will all work out ni the future, yet we speedily dive in 100mph. It's very sad really."

Are these people trolls? Or do they really exist? Are they redirected to sites like TED by Intelligent Design advocates or someone similar?


>Dat feel when I see this technology and all I can think about is how it should be implemented in the next Xbox console

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