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>> No.11426226 [View]
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I don't think it will stop anytime soon.

>our means of containment are far better then they were a century ago
They may be, but not if they're not employed early and drastically. Near where I live in Germany we have over 30 confirmed cases now. They don't know the source (patient 0) and probably won't find it. Positively tested people are just sent home to quarantine themselves for 14 days. And they don't even try to identify all direct contact persons anymore as there are way to many. Additionally they will not quarantine any larger areas - "PeOplE wILL NoT AcCePpT iT, LiFe MuSt gO oN". At least they closed the schools, but I doubt that will be enough to contain it.
I also don't think it will be as bad as the spanish flu. But it probably will be at least as bad as a very bad flu wave.

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