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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16361451 [View]
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How would I volunteer for clinical experimentation?

>> No.7310933 [View]
File: 5 KB, 545x355, organic-chemistry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone who had taken it, how is organic chemistry? I probably going to take it sooner or later.

>> No.4431005 [View]
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I'm currently a second year science undergrad and I am having a pretty hard time deciding what I want to focus on for the final two years of my degree.
At the moment I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacology, having originally planning on studying Pharmacy when I finished secondary school but I didn't manage the points for that and got my back up choice. I didn't do any pharmacology modules in first year (general year before specialization) so this year was the first time I started learning about it. I'm finding it interesting but I'm not sure that I'd enjoy doing it for another two years and then being stuck in that area of study. I feel that Chemistry would be much more broad and have possibly better options.
I'd just like to see if anyone here would recommend doing Chemistry, and what are the options upon graduating.

>> No.4208626 [View]
File: 5 KB, 545x355, organic-chemistry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing new years clean up
>going through old notes from college
>random shit, english notes, pysch notes...
>see notes for undergrad orgo I and II and accompanying labs
>see notes for undergrad cell physiology and labs
>realize I've forgotten a great deal of the material ;_;

I looked through the /sci/ guide, but does anyone have sites where one could refresh their knowledge on organic chem and physiology? Basic undergrad stuff, but even upper level material would be appreciated.

>> No.3894535 [View]
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Ochem general. Cause apparently ochem nerds don't exist on this board.

Diels Alder reactions get me wet.

>> No.3645562 [View]
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I am having an argument with two of my friends about an organic chemistry problem. They are saying that CH2Cl2 is a nonpolar molecule whereas I'm saying its a polar molecule because of the 2 Cl's. If anyone can end this argument please help resolve this.

>> No.3107656 [View]
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Final chemistry exam in two days, I've gone through all of the lecture notes and have been drawing mechanisms like mad. What should I spend the next two days doing?

inb4 revise, I know that, I mean specifics

It's higher organic chemistry

>> No.2905423 [View]
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Are there anyprograms where I can enter in a hypothetical product and starting material and have it show me all that reactions that would take place in order to get from reactants to products??

>> No.2565626 [View]
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In your opinion, what would be the best book to self-learn/top-up-on organic chemistry?

>> No.2327153 [View]
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Does any one know of any good reference sheets that contain common organic chemistry reactions. Website or downloadable files are welcomed.

>> No.1464069 [View]
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/Sci/, tell me stuff about organic chem I and II. I'm taking it next year but I think i should start studying early because so many people have trouble with the class.

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