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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6497379 [View]
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Read a book called The 7 Secrets of the Prolific.

it's got amazing reviews on Amazon, and it's no wonder.

this book will redpill you like a bitchslap to the face, just like it did to me. it really teaches you how to get your ass studying.

>> No.6320919 [View]
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alrite niggers, listen up

i got this

The inevitable purpose of Life is happiness.

Every intelligent Life on the universe will ultimately seek it.

The time gap between learning to speak and getting to modern era is around 50000 years (assuming our History).

Upon reaching the modern-era equivalent to our 2014, technology skyrockets, and in a 200 years time gap, someone makes a machine that activates the parts in your brain that makes you happy.

And so this technology spreads around the world to the point every life on the planet is connected to this machine, and desires nothing more than being eternally happy.

The desire to contact other civilizations become futile. You are 10000% happy, why bother?

And this technology to achieving eternal happiness comes WAY, WAY, WAY before the gigantic task of interstellar travel.

The time gap from "discovering radio signals" to "eternal happiness" for any civilization is around 300 earth years.

300 years. 300 years before none cares anymore about FTL travel.

There is absolutely no other course of action for any civilization. Everyone wants the most happiness, which is achievable with technology way before FTL travel could be.

I could make this explanation better, but I guess you get my point.

Constructive criticism to my theory is welcome. Or mindless shitposting too.


>> No.6094401 [View]
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So I've decided I'm going to start teaching myself a bunch of shit I should have learned back in high school. Namely math. I was an ungrateful shit and pretty much doodled in every math class I took during High School, passing by the skin of my teeth. Fast forward 10 years after my graduation and I can only remember the basics of Algebra and geometry. Id' say my knowledge of math somewhere at mid algebra 2. When it comes to calculus, I only understand what the concept of a function is, and nothing else.

So I've downloaded pretty much every educational torrent, video/book I can find along with ripping a boatload of videos from youtube.

I find one of the common things the people say in the things ive torrented (such as MathTutorDVD and TTC) is that they explain that the courses only cover the core ideas in the relative material (which for me right now would be Algreba 2)

What's the point of offering this material, and on top of that, CHARGING people for what you basically tell them is a 1/2 or 1/3 of what would normally be taught in public schools?

Are they saying they teach exactly what is taught in public schools and omit the hundred of different subcategories of the subjects (like when you go and find 1000 different books on algebra for an MIT course)?

I am going back to school for a degree in applied science or math and dont want to be shamed into taking math 101. So im cramming now.

Will I be ok watch these various courses or will I miss out on vital material that will screw me in the placement test?

>> No.5576580 [View]
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What is the best isolating metal?

>> No.1276512 [View]
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what does someone with a phd in math do for a living?

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