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>> No.12788338 [View]
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I don't even understand this shit. As a mathfag, I have to say, these guys are philosophically illiterate.

You can't perform a test to determine if complex numbers are real or not. It's a meaningless question. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Platonist and I believe mathematical truths are objective and not dependent on humans, but at the same time, it doesn't make sense to ask whether complex numbers "really" exist in nature. Nor does it makes sense to ask whether real numbers "really" exist in nature. The physical world is not made up of number. It's made up of physical objects that can instantiate numerical properties relative to purpose or conceptual scheme, and we can make true or false claims on the basis of that, but there is not fact of the matter as to whether a physical system is real, rational, complex, etc. It's either all of those things at the same time, or none of them, depending on how you want to look at it. What matters is that any of these systems can be used to describe pretty much the same physical theories.

>> No.12767869 [View]
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I've seen dudes with this - sleeping bags of their bed. I really don't understand it. Unless it's literally <50 degree in your house, then I don't see why you would need a fucking sleeping bag. I live by the Canadian border, and didn't have heat for about 2 years in my old apartment, and I never once needed a fucking sleeping bag. There were a few times where my apartment go into the high 50s, and even then, all I needed was a single extra blanket (I prefer quilts).

If you need a sleeping bag, then you are a low cuck.

>> No.12711634 [View]
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What's it like being a racist, homophobic incel OP? Why do you hate anyone who isn't like you? Is it maybe a sense of inadequacy because your and angsty right-wing incel virgin?

>> No.12389993 [View]
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Chomsky is exactly the type of fringe leftist that I was referring to. He claims that there is a massive global conspiracy to manipulate the media and lie us into war. He claims that the military and the media secretly work together in order to fight never ending wars that will last for human history.

Or you have people on the alt-right like Dave Rubin or Ben Shapiro who claim that the media has a 'liberal bias' and that journalists and universities are working together to silence "great geniuses" like Jordan Peterson.

I don't think it has anything to do with 'propaganda' or 'disinformation'. Most reasonable people just don't agree with thinkers like Noam Chomsky or Ben Shapiro. It has nothing to do with the 'military industrial complex', or the 'media', or the 'government'. People just don't agree with Noam Chomsky or Ben Shapiro, and these people are butthurt that the general public does not take them seriously.

>> No.12306180 [View]
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You're a fucking retard OP. You clearly don't understand the point of critical theory, which actually just demonstrates exactly why we need to teach this kind of material in universities.
It should not be hard to understand the general message. Critical theory is about saying that whiteness is not superior. Western culture is not superior. Christianity is not superior. All of these things need to be critically examined. If you do that, you will realize that western civilization isn't in any way objectively 'better'. The values and practices of western civilization are just social constructs that are used to justify imperialism, capitalism, and racism. The only reason you place so much value on western culture and western epistemology is because you were raised in a social environment that inculcated these values in you. In other words you were 'socialized', i.e. brainwashed. Western civilization is not in any way 'superior' and this idea does not hold up to scrutiny. Anyone who is familiar with history knows that western civilization has actually be the source of most of the suffering throughout history. It has produced countless wars, famine, capitalism, imperialism, racism, and patriarchy. If western culture is so superior, then why has it caused more suffering, violence, and bloodshed than any other culture?

You sound like some uneducated, working loser who is probably studying some trade at community college or something. Maybe you're professor - who probably has a PhD in sociology or political science or something - has a better understanding of culture and history then some uneducated, right wing, 19 year old loser? Your parents were probably also blue collar country losers who went to some fundamentalist church, smoked meth, voted republican, abused oxycontin, watched Jerry Springer, drank Budweiser every night, etc. Therefore as an adult, you think Jesus Christ, AR 15s, oxycontin, the GOP, and fast food are the pinnacle of human civilization.

>> No.11667697 [View]
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>> No.11395627 [View]
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>> No.11372230 [View]
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>> No.11315064 [View]
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>> No.11300029 [View]
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>> No.11295061 [View]
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he's asserting dominance over his cuck father LOL

>> No.11274700 [View]
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Once again, i ain't grabbing guns and making shit worse. The fire of humanity needs to burn itself out while those of us with any value just live our lives the same as we could in any tiem period regardless of what technological advancements there are.
>Individual action is meaningless when it comes to climate
Right. Because a system doesn't operate at peak efficiency when every individual component is clean strong and doing it's part. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11273227 [View]
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>> No.11270237 [View]
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>> No.9222412 [View]
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Is it possible that there's a simple proof of Fermat's Last Theorem that does without 600 pages of elliptical curve gobbletygook?

>> No.8446755 [View]
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I don't have any particular issue with it either. I just think it's important to countersignal the jerking that goes on around Musk. I'm not accusing anyone here of treating him this way, but I often see him portrayed to rubes as some kind of scientific genius when he's really just a good businessman who made some good moves during the tech boom and dot-com bubble.

I also get rustled when I see the media report on his companies as if they're private endeavors when most of his funding comes from the government.

>> No.6598961 [View]
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>How do we make STEM easier and more exciting for women and make the men more attractive/interesting?
So cute, baby's first day on the internet

Woman are biologically weaker and not as smart as man.
Of course there are smart woman that are more than suitable to study STEM, but they are a statistical minority.

Stop putting more woman into STEM, this is a unstable idea.

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