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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5962208 [View]
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Mirror is not a valid solution i think, because if it transforms at [3,1] -> [3,3] with leaving the blue on place, then at [2,1] -> [3,2] should be the same blue-red, not red-blue.

>> No.5901161 [View]
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/sci/ How would you start to get in catch if you get accepted to a decent graduate school to math, but you studied EE in a shit tier college earlier. Ok it's not an advice board, then i want to ask, what do you think what is the most essential knowledge-skill you learn as an undergraduate math student to be able to master the following things:

homological algebra
commutative algebra
differential geometry, topology (jacobi fields, lie derivation)
algebraic and general combinotarics (cauchy-littlewood, matroids etc.)
and higher discrete mathematics, optimization

>> No.5672058 [View]
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So I'm in second year chem eng and I don't get the whole dx/dt thingamajig. I just take the shortcut when differentiating.

Is this going to fuck me up in later years?

Also, who wants to quickly explain it to me?

>> No.5614286 [View]
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Why are planets always spherical?

>> No.5426971 [View]
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If protons are positive, and electrons are negative, why aren't the electrons pulled into the nucleus of an atom?

I was going to ask my professor but it feels like a dumb question

>> No.5283844 [View]
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How would the face of science be different today if Calculus was discovered 1000 years earlier?

>> No.5188642 [View]
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all 2

>> No.5113276 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why niggers have curly hair?

What is the benefit of curly hair?

It's ugly and useless. Someone please answer me?

>> No.5089335 [View]
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Hello /sci/, how much own work was in your bachelor thesis?

not your work: existing design methods, theories etc.
your work: what is your own tought

%x , %y

If possible also write down what was your major.

>> No.5059263 [View]
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What is work like in theoretical physics.
I know... hypothesis, computations, evaluation papers...
but does someone have handson experience in theoretical physics and can tell something about it?

>> No.5027420 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hello /sci/, i want a math phd but i'm currently finishing my EE bachelors and i plan an EE masters. What do you think, what is the best way to do it? After the masters, or while the masters starting a BSc math and skipping math masters? Or i should skip the BSc and jump to masters? Time is very important for me, but i don't go for the "paper" so i think i would be useless if i'm not building math up from block to block at the math bachelors. I don't know maybe if i do a Phd in EE would i get enough load of math to do theoretical research.

>> No.4976449 [View]
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Will we ever find a method to easily factor large prime numbers?

>> No.4956394 [View]
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What if you designed a different atmospheric makeup?

such as a synthetic barrier of metals and gasses that act in a similar way that our magnetosphere does suspended above a breathable atmosphere??

Perhaps you could put a current through it using static friction and create a magnetic field..

I hear there is a lot of iron on mars, a good conductor of electric and magnetic fields fields.

>> No.4924894 [View]
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Aside from the fact that the wind would likely blow off any planes you have sitting on top, it doesn't seem like it has a legitimate purpose.

I mean, it's a plane.. that launches planes.....

>> No.4919902 [View]
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Will we one day hit a 'brick wall', so to speak, in terms of scientific discoveries?

All we do now is manipulate the forces that are already present around us. What do we do when we understand it all?

>> No.4907501 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is mathematics a discovery, or an invention?

>> No.4792278 [DELETED]  [View]
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Can infinite have some sort of scalar?

>> No.4770501 [View]
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Is there a scientific reason why I get a good feeling inside me when I purchase stuff? Is it just what society has convinced me to feel?

>> No.4710165 [View]
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Okay, so I'm doing a 1000 level intro math course, and I was stupid and didn't study for the first few quizzes, all up worth 30%. Ended up with like 10%.

The assignment I got full marks on, worth 10%.

After studying this stuff, it's piss easy and I can do the final exam (60%) fairly easy. My question, if I get 75% or something on the final, what are my chances of the professor not being a cock and realising that's enough to warrant a pass?

inb4 me being an idiot. i know. I didnt handle the high school/uni transition well. I've learned my lesson.

>> No.4595553 [View]
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What would be considered the most important equation in the history of science and mathematics?

>> No.4535645 [View]
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What chances of employment do I have as a chemical engineer grad?

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