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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15263530 [View]
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>I understand the entire history of the universe from the very start, I know everything, I can also predict the future of the universe until the end of time
If someone were to tell you this, would you believe them or would you expect that they are suffering from delusional grandiosity?
According to what limited research has been done on grandiose delusions, the odds are at least 800,000,000:1 that you're listening to an insane person.
Those odds make the big presumption that there is one person who has it all thought out correctly, if there isn't then the odds get even worse.

>Grandiose delusions (GD), also known as delusions of grandeur or expansive delusions, are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients with a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in a manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, frequently in narcissistic personality disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders.
>GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, super intelligent, or otherwise very powerful.
>The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme.
>There is a relative lack of research into GD, in contrast to persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations. >Around 10% of healthy people experience grandiose thoughts at some point in their lives but do not meet full criteria for a diagnosis of GD.

>> No.15187130 [View]
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>i'm gonna live in space, just like in muh hollywood marvel comix soience fiction moooooovies!!!!

>> No.14956766 [View]
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>Midwit take. The sun is not made out of gas, but plasma. And the earth is 1au away from the sun, if it were really gas and emitting in all directions, the area where there's gas would be 4pi au2, and you would need enough gas in that immense area to move a sail made of cloth
read ur post in picrel voice lmao

>> No.14810882 [View]
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>> No.14713612 [View]
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science itself states that the grandiose language employed by the martin prince stereotypes is a symptom of mental deficiency

>> No.14669486 [View]
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Requirements for modern day polymath?

My grad super had two phds, ai, then cognitive neuroscience... Is he a polymath?

I am publishing in psychiatry, medicine, computer science, psychology, datascience and agi.
I don't have a phd yet but two masters and they're interdisciplinary

what are some realistic criteria to be considered a modern polymath? And point me to some...what does their LinkedIn/resume look like?

>> No.14653653 [View]
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>> No.12460409 [View]
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