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>> No.15717532 [View]
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>God does not need a logical explanation because the laws of the universe exist in this universe and not outside of it. In our universe everything has a cause, and the original cause was God, and God is beyond physics.
The matter and energy we see in the universe was compressed to a single point. Before the big bang there was no time. It could have existed there beyond time "forever"

however the god you are talking about that apparently sent the universe in motion billions of years ago is a very different one from the one most people in the west believe in. If that is the case and you are still allowed to believe in DNA and fossils we can see that our ancestors were subject to disease and starvation and death long before they were human.

The idea that god set us up in perfect paradise and we fucked it up is wrong, we have always been in this disease ridden painfest for no fault of our own.

Evolution happening really makes the biblical good look like a total bizarre faggot on a billion levels. Almost like a bunch of sand niggers made those stories up.

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