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>> No.12400064 [View]
File: 880 KB, 594x3732, Asteroid can save Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't take as much effort to destroy what other have painfully built

Tell that to the dreamer who believe self-sufficient colony can be done with one space-truck and will "grow in-situ" as if it didn't require a superpower worth of engineer and supply-chain to build the tin can they came in.
If they get free molecular 3D printer I'm off to Jupiter, not Mars.

It seem I understand geology better than you.
Mars is just a bigger asteroid with a thin atmosphere. The Delta-V budget to get to interesting asteroids is comparable or even inferior to Mars and I'd bet on Moon long-term base before anything useful is done on Mars (having meatbag plant a flag is not useful)
We will have enough trouble modifying human DNA to live in weaker gravity. The way I see it, it take more effort/luck to get human just right for 0.3G than to make them ok for everywhere in space.
Assuming of course space expansion don't have us exploit asteroids and make space-hotel long before anyone sign to live on Mars.

>A declaration with no power behind it can be ignored. You don't need daddy to tell you that.
Say the anon who don't understand the corrupt world he live in, hope you don't take your lesson from /pol/.
The declaration will be backed by the army of the demo/plutocracy lawyers who set it up. Unless you make a competing company spontaneously appear with the same budget or turn the backing political power into one ok with expropriation for "reasons", you cannot ignore it.
Just like nations won't ignore (forever) one making powergrab over space resources (or sea resources).

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