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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6538846 [View]
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each DTIME algorithm has a P counterpart, and a NP counterpart, and so on.
the category of DTIME polynomials has a functor to each category of higher complexity class.
the arrows in these categories are functions between return values of the algorithms.
it can be proven that there exists a bijection between the P category and the NEXPTIME category, and a bijection from the NEXPTIME category to the NP category. thus for each algorithm in NP, there is a NEXPTIME algorithm that i don't actually know anything about mathematics.
therefore P is equivalent to NP.

>> No.6533323 [View]
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>> No.6480778 [View]
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Scientists don't have much of an idea of what it is they are talking about, do they?

Let's take "gravity" for example. Newton calls it a "force". Now, what a "force" is is quite vague, and what's peculiar is that the term fits in with occult terminology (compare words like "aura") and Newton was very interested in occultism (more interested in the occult than in mathematical science). Indeed, when Leibniz, the intellectual giant of the day, heard about Newton's "force of gravity" where objects millions of miles apart were supposed to influence one and other at a distance, he ridiculed it as black magic. What is a "force"? I've asked that question on here before and the answers are always something like "the rate of change of momentum" (which begs the question of what is meant by momentum). What a "force" actually IS though, is vague. Is it a body, or is it some incorporeal "thing" that acts on bodies (like a spirit or ghost)?

That's not the main thing I want to talk about though.

The main thing I want to talk about is how,
A. Einstein and Newton have two completely different theories and yet both of them are called "gravity" as though they were describing the same thing.
B. How professors/teachers teach people Newton's theory of "gravity" even though it is supposedly now obsolete, and then teach Einstein's theory of gravity without discarding Newton's, i.e. they will still use the concept of gravity as a "force" and not as "curvature of spacetime" when it suits them. For example, ask a physicist why an apple falls to the ground and he will almost always refer to the (supposedly obsolete) theory of gravity as a "force", neglecting to mention that the apple does not at all fall to the ground due to any "force", but because of the curvature of spacetime around the earth (supposedly). They teach both theories as though they are compatible, as though one lead naturally to the other, as though Einstein only "updated" Newton's theory and didn't completely break from it

>> No.6459061 [View]
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How old were you when you realized that there is no such thing as a "force of gravity" or "gravitational pull"?

>> No.6346320 [View]
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Einstein was wrong and we are paying the price.

>> No.6250967 [View]
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>What's outside of the observable universe /sci/

The unobservable universe.

>> No.6132394 [View]
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Hello /sci/
I'd like to improve my knowledge of math and physics from a idgaf high school pleb to a beyond high school level over the upcoming summer vacation.
Now the deal with physics is that I lost it in the third year (that's second to last here where I live) and realized I'm into it ever since.
I'd appreciate if you could recommend some books for self teaching of both subjects. Thanks in advance

>> No.5909051 [View]
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...and if your not smart enough to understand actual scientifc papers

...He made the laymens book "A universe from nothing" just for you, as well as did a series of talks to educate the public on this shit. He really covered all his bases so anyone could understand this shit.



>> No.5767295 [View]
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>there is grossly insufficient data to make any conclusion

But that is just plain wrong. People have been dying since FUCKING FOREVER! Since ALWAYS! We have more than enough data. We know exactly what happens when you die. We have know for fucking ever. People like you just refuse to accept reality.

It is because you are scared. You live a sad insignifigant life, choosing to be happily ignorant. You grasp to magic and complete bullshit.

The real problem is that you end up wasting away YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE! Instead of making the most out of the limited time you have, you fuck yourself over with deldsions of some bullshit afterlife fantasty! You live a miserable half-life. Never reaching your full potential! The only thing that really matter is the here and now! Make the most out of life NOW!

There is no afterlife, you do not "carry on"! Grow up!

>> No.5584941 [View]
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What are the five fundamental forces of nature?

>> No.5551947 [View]
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You seem to not understand the fundamental relationship between light undergoing a Doppler shift and light in the presence of a gravitational field.


The photon, or any massive body for that matter, does not change in frequency or energy when moving in a gravitational field as observed by any one observer. In Newtonian terms, this is because of the combined effects of kintetic energy (from motion) and the potential energy (from time dilation) result in a constant total energy.

A photons redshift in a gravitational field increases with its potential energy. When we say that redshift increases with potential, what we actually mean is that a series of diferent local observers at different potentials would observe a photon passing there own location to have a different redshift relative to a local reference photon. However, from the point of view of any single observer, the photon has constant frequency and energy when moving freely in a static gravitational field.

In a static gravitational field, using an isotropic coordinate system, the momentum of a free falling particle increases downwards with time, even if its a photon, but the energy is constant. This is related to the effect that in such coordinates, the speed of light at a location other than an observers own varies a bit depending on the gravitational potential.

>> No.5518936 [DELETED]  [View]
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Here is the question or dictatement.

Suppose that a mass, m , has momentum, p, and energy, E, as measured in frame S. Use the relations p = m * dr/dto (dto is proper time) and E = mc^2 * dt/dto and the known transformation of dr and dt to find the values of p' and E' as measured in S' traveling with a speed v along Ox. Remember than dto has the same value for all observers. Use these results to prove the following important result: If the total momemtum and energy of a system are conserved as measured in one inertial frame S, the same is true in any other inertial frame S'.

I think I may have gotten the E' and p' equations but I cannot find a place on the internet or in a book that tells me if I am correct or not. Here it is.

p' = gamma ( P' + vE'/c^2)
E= E'+ p'v

A website to the correct derivation or your own would be wonderful.

>> No.5475470 [View]
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Get two bottles, two nails, a bucket, and a cut electric plug.

Take the plug and seperate the wires. Strip the ends. Attach each of the raw wire ends to a nail. Take the nails and put them in the bucket of water (yes with the wires still attached, yes you will have electric wires in water). Make sure the wires aren't in direct contact with eachother (make sure the nails aren't touching). MAKE SURE YOUR BUCKET ISN'T METAL!

Take your two bottles (empty out the air however you can) and place them as "catchers" above each one of the nails. They will catch the gases with will come off the nails.

Now, simply plug in the wires, and Volia. You have electroysis. As long as the nails arent touching, and they are not touching, the water will provide enough "reistance" as to not create a short-circut. I usually make sure they are at least 5 inches apart.

Electrcity will flow into your wires, in turn into the nails, and in turn through the water. You can touch the water if your want, but you will get a mild shock.

The nails will form the cathode and the anode. You will see bubbles and gas comming off the nails. If your electricy is DC, then you will be able to collect seperatly the hydogen and oxygen, if your electricity is AC both bottles will be a mix of each.

If you have some scales and shit, you can measure all the shit you want. There is nothing like doing science for yoruself! That is the whole fucking point. It isn't just to memorize shit from a book, it is to do it and see shit for yourself.

You can literally do this experiment with shit you have lying around your house.
Any questions?

>> No.5382553 [View]
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You are wrong. We measure expanding space in multiple ways. It isn't just "moving objects".

There are all sorts of interferometers and machines that measure different properties of space and the objects in that space.

Yes, we can measure the properties of space alone. This isn't something new. This is like 30 year old tech. Read the damm book and educate yourself.

Good day.

You really need to read the book. Good day sir.

>> No.5174835 [DELETED]  [View]
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It is no suprise that America is seriously dragging behind in science/mathematics. This is largely due to the rise of anti-science republicans. We lost our dominance in fundamental physics. We are losing our dominance in applied physics, material science, and chemistry. To be an American scientist in the physical sciences is becoming more and more difficult, and now even involves moving to a more science friendly nation for some extended period of time or forever. It isn’t just the physical sciences either, mathematics, biological sciences, and social sciences are taking heavy losses.

I have serious concerns about a Romney presidency and how it will affect science. His policies and mentality are not good for American science in general. There is no doubt he will cut the DOE budget greatly (if not completely) for science. Many many scientists will be out of jobs, and many young people won’t have the opportunity to purse science. He is dumbing down America.

I encourage all my /sci/ducks to pay very close attention to these issues and the race, and be vocal about it. These issues directly affect your future in science and science in general. Please for science and your country, inform yourself on the candidates. Educate yourself on the issues with a multiple of sources, get out of your comfort zone and put those big fucking brains to work! Give your opinions meaning, let them be based off knowledge and facts instead of ignorance and partisan politics.

I have no doubt that the educated citizens of /sci/ will realize Romney is not the man for the job, he will hurt science, and is the worst kind of politician. Obama may be shitty, but he is fucking magnitudes better then Romney. Don’t let America be lost to ignorance! OBAMA 2012!

>> No.5113622 [View]
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You are fucking retarded compared to me.


>> No.5109664 [View]
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There are not many "theories". There is one theory called evolution. There are no other scientifc theories regarding the orgins of man.

Creationism is not a scientifc theory. Your bullshit is not a scientifc theory. All ya'll have are very very uneducated guess, not even proper hypothesis!

>> No.5104959 [View]
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Basically, I like philosophy, I just wish we had better philosophers.

>> No.5035767 [View]
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>Shouhong Wang, a professor in the IU College of Arts and Sciences' Department of Mathematics, and Tian Ma, a professor at Sichuan University, suggest the law of energy and momentum conservation in spacetime is valid only when normal matter, dark matter and dark energy are all taken into account. For normal matter alone, energy and momentum are no longer conserved, they argue.

>While still employing the metric of curved spacetime that Einstein used in his field equations, the researchers argue the presence of dark matter and dark energy—which scientists believe accounts for at least 95 percent of the universe—requires a new set of gravitational field equations that take into account a new type of energy caused by the non-uniform distribution of matter in the universe. This new energy can be both positive and negative, and the total over spacetime is conserved, Wang said.

>It is curved spacetime, along with a new scalar potential field representing the new energy density, and the interactions between the two that form the foundation for the new gravitational field equations.

What does /sci/ think about this?

>> No.4930411 [View]
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>Astronomy is my passion


>variable you all have no idea about

No. We know a lot about you, about this "variable". Because of your poor status is life, we know you make bad choices. Because you didn't get into college automatically on scholarship, we know you ain't blessed with intelligence.

We basically know you are just an average dude, living a average life. We know you have a passion for astronomy, and that is great, but just because you have a passion doesn't mean shit. You actually need a good amount of brains for the shit you want to do. You don't seem to be up to the task.

>> No.4908885 [View]
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No, they don't come up with "theories". They come up with bullshit.

Learn what a theory is:

>> No.4901351 [View]
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Why the fuck would I disagree with our best understanding of reality? Do you think I'm fucking retarded or something?

>> No.4165914 [View]
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If you actually become a scienist...to do science...to try and benifit yourself and humanity...YOU ARE A SCIENIST..not a fanatic....DURRR


>> No.4161560 [View]
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/sci/ accepts homosexuals. No one is mad or anrgy at you. You are free to be yourself here. Don't give in to the hate, we like you just the way you are.

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