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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12131271 [View]
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>lean is built in category theory (which I don't really understand)
>matt parker video clip
>we had a jolly time playing the natural number game

>> No.11984085 [View]
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ok, i'll entertain you and go to that link even though it's a complete waste of my time

so your link is just stating the obvious (a completely trivial observation) that yes, there technically is a reality in which the monkeys type "a" forever. listen, when people say "this must happen" or "that happens" in probability theory, they're using a probabilistic vernacular in which they mean "happens almost always" or "happens with 100% probability." you've officially reduced this to an argument about semantics. no one gives a single shit about semantics. you've proven that you have no understanding of what this problem means on a level of mathematical philosophy, and that all you care about is "but le linguistic technicality!!!"
never bother making a thread here again, and go back to where you're from.

>> No.11540472 [View]
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>set theory discussion

>> No.11435912 [View]
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>> No.11397925 [View]
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We are not racist. Sometimes tourists come here and try to provoke us. Racism is illogical and founded exclusively on feelings of inadequacy.

The chinese are humans, just like anyone. I quite like authentic chinese food.

Coronavirus is of course a "nothingburger."

I could help you with your calculus homework, but it is against board rules for you to ask for help with your calculus homework. We can give you tips for succeeding in calculus though.

>> No.11150859 [View]
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fine. real analysis is fun. you'll get filtered by it and whine about your professor being "bad" and the book being "unclear." it's trivial to anyone with a future, like a simple child's game.
you're acting like our answers aren't constructive - i don't understand, all we're doing is telling you the honest to god truth. would you prefer us to lie?

>> No.10797337 [View]
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Please adjust your style to fit commonly accepted /mg/ standards. Currently, your posts have suboptimal width to height ratio. Making use of the "return" or "enter" key and focusing on clearer sentence structure will remedy this. You can also make use of whitespace to format your post in an /mg/-friendly manner.
Furthermore, the content needs attention. Your post contains 3 separate topics for 3 separate posters. This is a common scenario in which typical /mg/ style would recommend creating 3 individual posts for each reply. In this way, we can all see that which we want to see (and quite frankly, we can not see that which we do not).

>> No.10655217 [View]
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i do, i'm an analyst. analysis is sex, algebra is masturbation

>> No.10440148 [View]
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literally every fucking thread some moron comes in here whining about how confusing they find topology
without fail, you can ask them "have you taken real analysis" and they will respond "no"
and then when you call them an idiot they start blubbering and going "IT WASNT REQUIRED!!!!"
universities need to require idiots like this to take analysis before topology to save them from themselves and their pathetic crutch of intuition

>> No.10331074 [View]
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holy cow, imagine being this much of a shitter
algebraists never fail to make me LAUGH! they literally do not understand EVEN THE SIMPLEST analytic arguments, all they can do is play with their little building blocks like babies in a crib taking quotients by left ideals.
imagine being SUCH A FUCKING FAILURE you resort to algebra, number theory, or logic to make a """""math""""" career instead of reveling in the beauty of ANALYSIS and its close friends TOPOLOGY and GEOMETRY!

>> No.10310258 [View]
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analysis is beautiful and wonderful, but it's not just "lol what's this sum or what's that integral"
the theory of analysis is what's beautiful, single evaluations are boring and typically woefully unmotivated
fuck off, do not ever speak for me again. analysis is basically the only real field of math. and no, that's not a fucking pun. algebraists are all morons who play with building blocks, logicians are masturbating each other furiously, number theorists are long fucking gone, etc.
here's your typical algebrashit, their only justification for algebra is "it's fun." imagine being so mathematically immature you literally just play with toys all day.

>> No.10292180 [View]
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I can prove you're an idiot. My evidence is the post you just fucking wrote. Jesus christ.
In any case, it's clear that you don't have any credentials since you would have responded with them instead of saying "hurr prove i'm an idort"
If you'd read my post, you would know that I said that Wildberger DOESN'T teach his students the same stuff he puts on his channel. He teaches proper math. His channel is a separate thing.
Him deleting a comment has nothing to do with his quality as a professor or mathematician. It just means he probably noticed something he thought was disrespectful about your comment. He is a very respectful and good natured guy, he rarely deletes any criticism or feedback and takes it all seriously. You have no evidence to prove that your posts were not inflammatory or disrespectful in any way, so based on my experience with Wildberger I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume you were (maybe unintentionally) offensive.
I don't know enough to say, but I highly doubt his main source of income is patreon. You continue to assert this but have no evidence to support it. Please stop spreading slander about people we like on our board. Again, no one here takes his finitism stuff seriously, but we also aren't fucking attacking him.

>> No.10285467 [View]
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>saying phaiiiiii instead of pheee

>> No.10280081 [View]
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factorio is literally that except it's not a shitty feed the beast clone made by a complete and utter failure who whines and cries at any criticism
you are unironically defending a pile of poop
factorio does the thing you said except 2d (which is objectively more interesting for logistical puzzles, 3d is too easy because you have so much freedom), and it actually does it instead of pretending to like fortresscraft

>> No.10254548 [View]
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