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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8749645 [View]
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Legend of Doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this kind of autism is a little unsettling.
he's doubling down on his objectively incorrect """correction""" by citing a completely unrelated example. in "between X and Y", X and Y are objects, not subjects. therefore, you should be using object pronouns.
when in doubt, try using third-person pronouns; most people have a little better intuitive sense with those. which sounds right: "between he and she" or "between him and her"?

are you the same guy who threw a shit fit in the last thread because I don't capitalize sentences when talking to him, and because someone else wrote:
>(I capitalize.)
and put the period inside the parentheses? (that too is according to convention, by the way.)
I mean, how many people can there be on /sci/ who check all those boxes?
>climate denier
>tries to win arguments by correcting minor errors in grammar and style
>doesn't know basic rules of grammar and style

>not an argument.
Hitchens's Razor applies.
deniers are so dead-set against any corrective action, even once they've conceded that climate change is happening they immediately claim that there's nothing we can do about it (stage 4).
and then when they're presented with the multiple feasible approaches to mitigating climate change and ocean acidification, they move on to stage 5, which is "oh, it's too late now, we'd have had to start twenty years ago".
>what I wrote is true.
Not An Argument™

btw, literally no evidence that a working tectonic weapon was ever designed, tested, or deployed. if there's public record that they exist, cite the document. put up or shut up.
yeesh, and you call US "alarmists".

>> No.7548929 [View]
File: 25 KB, 500x375, dubssong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7535827 [View]
File: 25 KB, 500x375, dubssong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7130280 [View]
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Legend of Doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, okay.
that's conditional probability: the probability that both the previous post and the post in question correctly predicted the last two digits.
luckily, the person who made those posts controlled the probability that they would predict the same number, setting it to 1 by actually predicting '30' in both cases. If the post number matches one prediction, it matches the other, so the probability of getting it correct remains 0.01
it's no different from someone posting "the next post is doubles" and then the next post itself predicting doubles; if one gets it right, so does the next.

what IS a little bit impressive is guessing the whole post number. however, with a fairly slow post rate, it's not difficult to do. the dude made the first post, waited for the current post number to tick up, and then made the second post. even on a board as frenetic as /b/, people have done it with scripts.

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