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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12637723 [View]
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>Things retards say
"Aliens are here for gold"
"Aliens are here for water"
"Aliens build X historic architecture"
"Aliens are living among people"

>Things midwits say
"Aliens have a deal with the government in exchange for DNA information"
"There are so many stars and planet in the universe that it should be very likely there is at least another planet besides Earth that has spawned intelligent life"
"Aliens might evolve but they hit the great filter sometime in their technological development which is why the universe is empty"
"Aliens might be out there but due to evolved darwinism might always be silent and hiding because all civilizations share the same resource pool, making conflict inevitable"

>Things intelligent people say
"Due to entropy there is a limited amount of matter and energy in the universe. This pushes advanced civilizations towards minimizing the amount of entropy in the universe. The most energy wasting system in the known universe are stars. Therefor stars existing are direct evidence of advanced alien species not existing and never having existed before as extinguishing stars would be the top priority of every advanced alien to reduce the rate of entropy and maximize the length of the alien civilization's existence.

>> No.11089810 [View]
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>bring up all this gay hacky geometry shit
>don't bring up galois theory

>> No.10725804 [View]
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Well what do you expect, its in the name.

I'll see myself out

>> No.10628554 [View]
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I just started my bsc, I'm about to have tests in a month and I wanted to ask you all how much I should be studying.

>> No.10617898 [View]
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No. It could also result from the splitting of quark pairs by dark energy which produces unlimited quark pairs rapidly in what we would consider a "big bang". In a big-rip scenario. It could also be that dark energy isn't strong enough and thus over time gravity takes over forming a cycle of expansion and contraction over and over again.

But in reality the most likely explanation is that the big bang is just a function of basic thermodynamics and finding a way to maximize entropy which led to the end of the previous era into the start of the big bang era.

As far as we know every law of physics is inherently derived from thermodynamics and even time and space itself is just a function of entropy maximizing itself.

our big bang being a black hole of another universe becomes less and less likely as each consecutive universe would have considerable less mass-energy than its parent universe.

We have 4*10^69 J total mass-energy in our current universe. Quark-pair separation could generate this same amount every time dark energy separated them allowing unlimited "universe within universe" generation.

However the black hole universe would have orders of magnitude less energy every layer. Do the universe above ours would have 4*10^80 J and the universe on the other side of our black hole would have 4*10^40 then 4*10^10 etc until it becomes unviable. This makes the black hole=start of another universe theory extremely unlikely

>> No.10613120 [View]
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Entropy precludes another big bang from happening again.

There are 3 possible ends of the universe
>Big Crunch
In this scenario after a while gravity starts winning from dark energy and the universe starts shrinking until getting crunched. When it's crunched it could start a big bang again starting a possible cycle. We know from our observations that this is NOT what will happen as dark energy isn't getting weaker
>Big Rip
This is the opposite scenario where Dark energy keeps getting stronger and thus the universe expands faster and faster until galaxies are ripped apart. Then solar systems are ripped apart then the Earth. Then your body. Then atoms. And eventually Quarks will be separated. However whenever a quark is separated the energy put into that separation will produce new quark pairs. This causes a big bang to happen. So in this case it's also a "fractal" cycle where a big bang happens and expands the universe until quark separation causes another big bang to happen again. While this scenario is very unlikely it hasn't been 100% disproven unlike the big crunch.
>Heat Death
Dark energy stays consistent over time and thus the universe keeps growing but nothing exciting happens and we'll live until all matter and energy is wasted towards entropy. We're almost sure this is the case as everything point towards dark energy staying constant. In this scenario there is no way for another big bang to happen again as we only have 4*10^69 J and that is all we have for eternity.

>> No.10601657 [View]
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I really hope we won't have a settlement on Mars by 2050. Since settlements on planets are actually inferior from a physics standpoint.

You waste a lot of energy going into and out of a gravity well such as planets. It makes a lot more sense to have space habitats instead since that is the long future of humanity either way.

In the far future we'll most likely deconstruct all planets and use their mass to contruct artificial habitats and ships since you can only live on the surface of the planet while all the mass within it is not utilized. It would make a lot more sense to use the mass to make millions more surface area habitats by deconstructing the planets.

So no HOPEFULLY. The politicians actually think about it for a minute and don't fall to populism of the retarded masses and just decide to focus on space habitats and space habitat research such as the International Space Station.

>> No.10601086 [View]
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This is the timeline of how /sci/ developed in general

>/sci/ originally created mostly split from /lit/ and /g/
Usually it was very technical with scientists and engineers posting. It occasionally had just a normal /lit/ or /g/ poster shitting on things because of opinions instead of objective reasons but overall it was pretty fucking good and in-depth per thread.

>/sci/ slowly devolves into hobbyists and grad students
Topics are still interesting but the actual expertise level starts dropping. First memes start to pop up. Lots of LARP threads about $300k starting and stuff by people still in university.

>/sci/ starts to attract even lower quality people. Being people with just a cursory interest in science and high school students looking for a Major to pick in university
This was only a couple of years ago and was when the topics became sensational and only surface level stuff was discussed with a very high dose of bullshit elitism and LARPs by high school students that clearly didn't know what they were talking about

>/sci/ starts to attract people that don't even like science such as hardcore religious people and mentally ill schizophrenics. Or just straight up shitposters
This is the era that genuinely started ramping up this year. I'm legitimately starting to lose hope in this place and I start to post less and less. At least the hobbyists and high school students had some cursory interest in the field. Now it's just trash.

I've noticed this on other adult boards as well. /trv/ another board that was populated mainly by people in their 30s about going on holidays etc has been turned into some incel headquarters with /pol/ posts about how to get laid. The entire site has gone to shit and I've noticed that it's a trend throughout the entire English speaking Internet.

I'm starting to think it's the fact that children and every third worlder has internet now which floods the English speaking internet with lowest common denominators.

>> No.10593885 [View]
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Hint: there could be a better model which could explain the measured data without the need of invisible magic matter.

>> No.10580344 [View]
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The fact that stars are visible at the night sky at all is direct evidence that humanity is the only advanced species in the universe.

The Fermi Paradox is most likely the jump from prokaryote to eukaryote. Because the chance of a mitochondrial prokaryote invading another cell and forming a mutual chemical bond that allows for the harvesting of oxygen for the sake of producing ATP is extremely unlikely.

To give you a sense of scale. Even if every single atom in the universe was a habitable planet with life on it the chance of that happening on any of those planets is still basically 0. Yet it happened on Earth. Which means it probably will never happen ever again in the universe and all other lifeforms are prokaryotes and humanity is the only advanced species in the universe.

Stars being visible already confirms us to be the only advanced species. But the mitochondria being vital for advanced evolution is the silver bullet that solves the fermi paradox.

>> No.10359306 [View]
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We are the only technological species in the observable universe.

Basically stars existing in the sky is proof that there isn't an advanced technological species in the (observable) universe yet.

Why? Because entropy. This means that all matter and energy in the universe is finite and thus letting stars burn is a waste of energy that the technological civilization is going to have to use in the future.

Letting stars burn right now is the equivalent of chipping away millions of years of your species's lifespan because that energy will be wasted towards entropy.

This means that if there was a technological species with the capabilities to stop it there wouldn't be any stars.

Hell even we humans will most likely start to encapsulate every star in the milky way galaxy into a dyson shroud within a 1000 years time. Either that or "store" the material of the stars and stop them from burning until needed in the future.

Another thing people need to understand is that the universe is INCOMPREHENSIBLY YOUNG. The universe is only 13.8 billion years old. The last stars will die 10^20 years from now.

We came into existence during the absolute start of the universe. The universe is only at the 0.0000000138% from the Start to the last star dying. In all of this time life can come into existence yet we came freakily close to existence to the absolute start of the universe.

Just for some more emphasis if a human baby that would become 100 years old and you take 0.0000000138% of its lifespan the baby would only be 45.52 SECONDS old. Then the 45.52 second old baby would ask "Why is there no signs of any brothers I've been in existence for 45.52 seconds already for fucks sake"

TL;DR: We are most likely the first technological species in the universe as evidenced by stars still being visible in the sky as well as our insanely early start in the stellar era of the universe.

>> No.10291653 [View]
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No seriously the only difference between 2 different points in time is that entropy increased between these 2 points. This is why time can only move forward because physics mandate that entropy always increases.

>> No.10279504 [View]
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It's used as catalysts to speed up chemical processes.

It's used as a conductor with very low resistance within electronics

It's used as shielding for radiation that is more lightweight than the lead equivalent

It's used in materials that need to stay working for a very long time (centuries) without failure due to corrosion/rusting.

It's used as supplements in certain medicines to inhibit certain neurological symptoms like lithium.

I'm sure I missed some. However there are a lot of other uses gold has but just aren't economical. If gold suddenly became just as cheap as aluminium it would see almost as much use in all kinds of applications. The applications are limited BECAUSE gold is so expensive. Just like aluminium used to be more expensive than gold and had limited uses as well.

In the future through transmutation/astroid mining and other techniques we will have very cheap gold and it'll be used in all kinds of stuff. For example Processors, RAM and audio equipment could be made faster and more sharp if we used more gold for the transistors and transmission of signals.

>> No.10260269 [View]
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There are multiple forms of gay.

First there is genetic homosexuality. Here something went wrong with their genetics causing them to produce female hormones while not producing the right amount of testosterone from birth. What happens is that these people get born with female traits such as a vagina. They will experience puberty where they grow tits and have female fat distribution but they will not experience menstruation which is usually the first sign for them to go to the doctor. Here they'll find that they have the XY chromosomes but with a mutation on their Y chromosome which led to the body not registering this chromosome and producing hormones based on the single X chromosome. These men are in more than 99% homosexual as they identify as women, have a female body and are attracted to men.

The second case is hormonal homosexuality. In this case they are genetically completely normal. However due to a mixture of the mother having a higher amount of estrogen as well as the child having a lower amount of testosterone as well as the Mother's antibodies destroying testosterone in the early stage of the embryo the child will develop the stages of the brain responsible for sexual attraction with the hormone balance females develop this part of the brain. Causing the men to basically have this very small part of their brain to misinterpret the signals as being female and thus the attraction goes to male features. Exactly how much the rate of testosterone to estrogen and all kinds of other hormonal and immuno factors decide just how "effeminate" the person becomes Bisexuality is the lowest layer of this where the testosterone and estrogen influence were about tied in the development of this part of the brain.


>> No.8956884 [View]
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I 100% share his ideology.

If you look at the historic trend of living creatures getting more complex and them going extinct when the next big step in evolution happens it seems inevitable that humanity will be replaced by AGI. And I believe this is inevitable and have already accepted my fate as being killed one day by some AGI.

I'm not a computer scientist but an electrical engineer employed in the semi-conductor industry. I myself am working towards and contributing to the eventual AGI evolutionary step. But I tend to see it as the successor and heir of the term "humanity". When I was still a teenager I thought I would just die an old man and send my future children off to pick up where I left. But I now understand that it would just be AGI children instead of biological ones.

In the end it's not that different. Like life going from single-celled organisms to multi celled organisms. Life will now go from biological to artificial and I'm honored to belong to the generation that will see this transition happen.

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