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>> No.10588911 [View]
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There is a large correlation between short people and longer life expectancy.

there are lots of hypothesis for this. One is that large people have more cells which increases the chance of one becoming mutated and turning into cancer or something else that puts their average life expectancy lower than that of short people.

Women are on average shorter than men and Japanese people are some of the shortest and thinnest people in the world meaning they have some of the fewest cells in their bodies causing them to have a very high life expectancy average.

A supporting factor for this is that the Dutch (tallest people on the planet) have a high life expectancy but their gap between male and female life expectancy is extraordinarily high while the gap between male and female height is also bigger than in other countries. Their life expectancy is still high because while they are tall they have a relative low BMI average compared to other nations.

Basically scientists think the less cells you have the longer you'll live so short skinny people live the longest which on average are asian females.

>> No.10506037 [View]
File: 2.04 MB, 720x720, pupper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125. Will I make it anons?

>> No.10504151 [View]
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I met my current girlfriend at 19 (she was 18) we've been together for 6 years now and still love each other.

Most of my friends settled down in their early 20s as well.

Guys that didn't settle down usually had either 0 partners or lots of them and had a hard time holding a girl down since they usually only had relationships based around sex and not a personal bond/click to build your relation off of.

My girlfriend actually supported my university study and worked while she paid for rent and food and now that I'm almost finished we're going to swap with me going to work and her finishing her degree. I will always cherish her for supporting me like this and putting her own dreams on hold to make me progress.

I think this is the difference between a real relationship and just "two people that live together and fuck". A real relationship is a partnership. You complement each other and build towards a better shared future like equals.

I feel like I'm extremely lucky to have found someone that clicks so well with me. For example I'm a bit introverted and insecure while my girlfriend is more outspoken and a "go-getter" so when I feel a bit down to go outside she does the grocery shopping for me. While I do all the accounting, taxes and write letters for her work etc when needed.

If I look at my friends and her female friends I think the couples that tend to stay together the longest are the ones were they form a genuine partnership where both parties are equal. The ones tending to do worst is where the guy does everything and the girl stays at home or the "masculine home" It usually ends up with the girl either feeling neglected and seeking male attention elsewhere or the guy abusing the situation by cheating on her and just seeing her as a way to release sexual tension and not end up alone. Once you build your life on each other's contributions is when you actually reach a stable relationship.


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