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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15072023 [View]
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I like that ice maid. Somebody else posted her in a maid phone thread a while ago.

I am having two problems. One is that I can't predict when I will sleep. This is a small, but annoying problem. Sometimes it is 5pm, but then suddenly it is 2am because I fell asleep somehow and am waking up now. I'm doing something and then suddenly I wake up. Usually I just return to whatever I was doing.

I don't know how to say the other problem. Something is attacking me. It is making me not want to leave my house or talk to people by any means except 4Chan. It is also disrupting my ability to work by inserting upsetting thoughts into my thoughts to disrupt them which hinders my ability to work.

I want to go to a science event where they have those free cardboard box lunches that have chips and turkey sandwiches in them and everyone talks in rooms with PowerPoint and papers and markers. I want to eat a box lunch with that sandwich/chips while some guy explains a PowerPoint about math nobody else understands of has applications for. I want to hear everyone in the room give talks and between them get like a paper cup with coffee.

I guess my other problem is java not being nice when I want to make a map which has keys which are 2d boolean arrays. Keeps giving me nulls and crashing my Computer Program because the equals method is used instead of something better so I might have to make a wrapper class, but I really don't want to because that is a large amount of useless boilerplate code which serves no purpose except to instruct java to use an equality check that doesn't suck. I suppose pointless boilerplate may be my punishment for relying on OOP. Hopefully jannies will put Tohru in rhe sticky.

Thank you dra/g/ons for reading my post.

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