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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10554515 [View]
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>pitbulls are only dangerous because of environmental and socioeconomic factors

>> No.10349637 [View]
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 9A41D35E-1CCA-45AB-A768-17C0AF28B3F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physics department uses engineering TA’s

>> No.10155271 [View]
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 1542443842264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread unironically considering a career in engineering
I'm so, so sorry.

>> No.9433095 [View]
File: 66 KB, 722x349, nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was a simulation, don't you think we'd have flying cars and jetpacks at the very least?

>> No.9141298 [View]
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idk anecdotes are apparently god for most people on /sci/ is it too much to ask to have one fucking place in the entire world where you can go and have reasonable, supported, intellectual conversation?

>> No.9127078 [View]
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this post is god, there are always a number of different ways to manipulate in basic operations. Why kids arent taught basic number theory and then show various methods of solving basic problems like this and subsequently allowed to make up their own fucking minds is beyond me. The only requirement after that point should be that the student can articulate, demonstrate, and defend their method.

NA public education is an absolute trainwreck in every way: underfunded, underappreciated, and constantly being reformed into dogshit like common core. End result: NA students still perform terribly on standardized testing relative to comparable peers AND have no creative or critical thinking skills. Even in Canada where over half the adult populace holds a post secondary degree of some sort. Europeans honestly dont know how good they have it with their public education system being years ahead of NA (insofar as the average curriculum). The final kicker being that the taxpayers in NA dont give 2 shits about it and only ever are in favour of tax cuts.

t. salty Canadian, strongly considering moving to denmmark

>> No.9107896 [View]
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>by diagram chasing

>> No.9103024 [View]
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I study to distract myself from the existential nightmare of real life. That's how I study 10 hours a day.

>> No.7372117 [View]
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>> No.7349894 [View]
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What jobs can a mathematics degree get other than teaching high schoolers?

>> No.7344651 [View]
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>fucked up my as year, failed further maths and fucked up my maths, chem and physics grade
>just finished repeating the as year
>losing motivation to work and apply for uni

Why even live.

>> No.7343256 [View]
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How long would it take for me to blind by just looking at the sun?

>> No.7323225 [View]
File: 48 KB, 722x349, notvirtualrealitygoggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have ADD/ADHD?

If so, did the meds in any way help?

I feel that there is an mental barrier of inability to focus that's keeping me from achieving my true intellectual potential.

I can understand the most complex concepts, but only once in a blue moon, if the parts of my brain align in a harmonous rather than chaotic manner.

Anyone share these feels?

>> No.7116870 [View]
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>who's to say you're not an imitation of sentience?

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