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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4421928 [View]
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>>4421900 Law does not utilize the scientific method. I use sage because this thread does not deserve a bump.

>I don't know how to think for myself.

>> No.4236160 [DELETED]  [View]
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I seriously hope you're trollin'.

>> No.4195400 [View]
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wow you guys are fags

>> No.3184245 [View]
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>implying wolfram cannot do fractions
>implying this is not a SFW board
>implying we want this shit here.

>> No.3179540 [View]
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get your fucking jew on a stick gibberish out of here.
also, stop fucking lying about zoology you cunt!
bumble bees fucking can sting!

>> No.3161638 [View]
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it's a meme you retard. obviously the correct spelling is 'guess' but it is spelt wrong on purpose as copypasta!

>> No.3136883 [View]
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great counter argments, jackasses!
you see, philosopher actually had something decent to contribute, and explained why there can't be an infinite number of moves, wheras you guys just talk shit, flame/name call etc.
i bet you wern't even aware of the 50 move thing.

>> No.3121557 [View]
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>not being a fucking dickhead
pick one

>> No.3097672 [View]
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I know how irrections happen and i know how hormones work. i just wasn't aware an irrection could occur involutarily, now i do. its not the end of the world to be wrong, and i know the truth now don't i? so stop bitching.

>> No.3086123 [View]
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if i was going to finally out myself and post a picture here, why the fuck would it be some stupid assed 'doubles get' picture!??
i would be doing something scientific and zoological...me in my labcoat, with a parakeet on my shoulder perhaps...
anyway, point is, it isn't me, and you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

>> No.3049478 [DELETED]  [View]
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that isn't a sage, dumbfuck.

>> No.3039022 [View]
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as opposed to 'killing something alive'?

>> No.3011128 [View]
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>criticises EK for deraling the thread
>EK concisely answered OP as the first post in this thread, less than 1 minute after the thread was created
>stay classy, fucktard.

>> No.2888362 [View]
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and seriously, by the time it reaches the portal it is almost completely vertical. definitely cant move sideways enough to get from the centre of the first cup all the way to another cup.

>> No.2871369 [View]
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"An explosion is a rapid increase in volume..."

well seeing as the big bang went from a singularity, to teh volume the size of the present universe, i think the term is justified.

so fuck you.

>> No.2817414 [View]
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you fucking moron's a MOD closed down the last thread How are you so fucking stupid as to start up another atheism VS theism thread??

>> No.2773577 [View]
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[sarcasm] really worthwhile contribution they're, faggot! [/sarcasm]

>> No.2755646 [View]
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well i fucking clearly did figure it out by myself, as i already posted it in the otehr thread ages ago, you fucking idiot!

im not seeking attention anymore than any of the other people who are answering the movie quix threads.
fuck you.

>> No.2752600 [View]
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...fine, but lern-2-hypotenuse in future.
this shit is easy, just go half in each dimension, so the best rectangle will be 20X21, seeing as that is half way on each axis

A approaches infinity as X approaches infinity...clearly you have fucked up

fullretard 2.0
that does not fit in the triangle.

full retard 3.0
do not thank incorrect answer spouting morons!

>> No.2749259 [View]
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I think its more a case of what atheism HASN'T done.

it hasn't done crusades, 9/11, 'witch'-burnings, altar boy sodomisation, holy wars, northern island 'troubles', 7/7 london bombings...
the list is endless.

>> No.2730822 [View]
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>how did you know to divide friction over mass to get acceleration?
F = ma, friction is a force, mass is mass, and accelleration is accelleration...for gods sake..

>how did you know to divide the mass of the block and bullet by the mass of the bullet?

okay, lets have a brief crash course on conservation of momentum.
speedXmass at the start, will be equal to speed X mass at the end.
so a light bullet going very fast, will have the same momentum as the heavy block(with embedded bullet) that is moving relatively slowly.
vX0.05 = 2.8X3.05

find v, as v is the velocity of the bullet.

>> No.2718248 [View]
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no it fucking couldn't!

if it went straight down, a wire like that would bend far more considering how thin the grey part is that would need to hide it.
this is why men on /sci/ should shut their god damn whore mouths.

>> No.2630937 [View]
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Shut the fuck up.
unlike you, i actually research my shit before posting.

>> No.2620471 [DELETED]  [View]
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fuck you, i do know actually.
a coin isnt perfectly flat, so the air acting on it as it spins will be different on each side, which can very slightly alter the probability of which side it lands on.
and over an infinite number of times, this will not be exactly 50/50
(just very close)

also, i have read up on this just now, and apparently whichever face is face up on your thumb, is more likely to be face up after the flip as well, by slightly more than 50%, ergo, if you flip, and someone else calls it, increase the odds in your favour by placing the opposite of what they called face up vefore the flip.

and fuck you! insulting my intelligence...fucking faggot.

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