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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8960134 [View]
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>1) Topographical maps disperse curvature because each line is equidistant to the adjacent ones, not every other line.

they probably disperse curvature because there is no curvature.

4) Out of the Greeks you listed, one fathered modern philosophy(political, ethical and espistemogy), one is the father of modern mathematics(geometry and irrational numbers), and one wrote a few ok books. Which one is really the most scientifically knowledgable?

Pythagoras thought when you farted you lost part of your soul.

>4) Out of the Greeks you listed, one fathered modern philosophy(political, ethical and espistemogy), one is the father of modern mathematics(geometry and irrational numbers)

both of these points are invalid since they thought the earth was stationary. and none of them fathered anything. Geometry and irrational numbers were found in Egypt before Greece. Geometry is the bassis of the pyramids, and you can calculate irrational numbers like Pi off the dimensions of the pyramids.

greece wasn't the only place to come to the "conclusion" of philosophy, it was in Sumar, Babylon, India, and China long before the greeks rolled around.

this was "we wuz kangz" tier.

infact the mathematics of the Sumerians are honestly more fluid than any system devised today, the same can be said for Vedic math.

"muh scientific knowledge"

the implication of the heliocentric model being a fraud means that all science is basically pseudoscience, and evolution is among that description.

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