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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9987325 [View]
File: 46 KB, 157x457, brains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are also neurological differences
Yes, I know.
For example:
Btu what are the real significance of those differences? Can we strongly conclude "women don't belong in X" or whatever?

The issue is we have is faggots gatekeeping academia and industry for no real reason.
As an analogy, tall lanky guys are statistically less likely to become champion weightlifters. Yet we don't have bros running around gyms gatekeeping lanklets trying to protect their weight rooms; in fact, such behavior would get you banned from the gym.

>> No.9753144 [View]
File: 46 KB, 157x457, brains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not a terrible metric, they test your ability to spot patterns in novel information. Which is pretty close to what people colloquially define as "intelligence".
Seems like a rather incomplete definition considering a brainless LISP script now performs above average on Raven's
>"The model performs in the 75th percentile for American adults, making it better than average," said Northwestern Engineering's Ken Forbus. "The problems that are hard for people are also hard for the model, providing additional evidence that its operation is capturing some important properties of human cognition."

>The main reason people are so butthurt over IQ tests
The reason people are butthurt over IQ tests is because their flawed results are selectively used as a weapon.
>Some people are simply genetically superior to you and me in every single way.
And here you unwittingly show the real reason brainlets cling to muh IQ.
Their crabs in a bucket mentality and their need to be absolved of any guilt for their own lack of achievement.

>> No.9687123 [View]
File: 46 KB, 157x457, brains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold the controversial opinion that for the time being, it's actually good to have some diversity, particularly in mathematics and engineering. The reason is we don't really know precisely what aspects of cognition actually translate into discoveries. Concentrated autism might not be the best way.

You should be very afraid of "garbage in garbage out" -- these markers predict IQ test scores, which is not the same as intelligence. Wait to get excited until we find out whether these Chinese genius babies turn out to be autistic suicidal nutjobs.

They are also fucking up by using data derived from people of European descent:
It is shown that if you try to predict height using the markers we've identified for Europeans in Africans, you predict on average that Africans are 5 inches shorter than Europeans, which isn't true.
The human genome isn't that simple. China may actually be growing a batch of fucking downies. Time will tell.

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