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>> No.9995831 [View]
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>Increase of celiac desease in recent years is due to the use of Roundup in crops.

Its not a crazy idea.

It doesn't surprise me, I got a degree in Agricultural science.


We live in a bat shit crazy world to be dumping this shit on our food supply. But then again do you know how much food would cost if they had to hand weed those fields?

But consider: the active ingredient is a plant hormone similar in structure and function to hormones that exist in all plants that do things like regulate growth.
>Things that hardly bothered my parents' generation are now commonplace.

Lets bring Ag into the discussion. It was around world war II that industrial Ag really took off. 100 years ago there was little use of anything created in a laboratory.

Today you might put pesticides in the soil before you plant. On the seeds. After you plant. After they emerge. Before they flower. During the fruiting. After the harvest. Fungicides, Bactericides, Insecticides. Some of these chemicals are very toxic. Glyphosate by contrast is fairly innocuous vs some of this other stuff. This shit is so nasty you have to wear a hazmat suit.

> increased risk to kidney failure in agricultural workers exposed to excess glyphosate occupationally

And what the fuck were all those chemicals? Those pesticides? What happens? They go into the environment. How many novel, unstudied chemicals have entered the living environment, let alone, the food. We know its in the food chain.

What I see here is a pre-existing condition that can become active and produce symptoms in a delayed fashion in patients that have a leaky gut lining. Cause and effect are hard to observe here.

tl;dr Epidemiology is hard. Celiac is complicated. Chemicals everywhere in the food chain. Eat organic.

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