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>> No.11302228 [View]
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>Are you high?
Nope, drunk.

>I’m the one claiming that they probably don’t exist.
Exactly. You're the one claiming that even though we don't have the slightest inkling of how interstellar travel would work, _surely_ we'd notice any aliens traveling anywhere in the galaxy.

>You’ve been using the term “radio” repeatedly. Are you asking what kinds of communication other than radio waves exist? Google search “World wide web”, it’s pretty fascinating stuff.
OK, you're right. I'm sure any potential aliens out there in interstellar space would have a web page by now, or maybe a facebook page. Surely, if they existed, Google would have indexed them by now.
And you want to know If _I'm_ high???

> Are you not aware that not all space-borne technology are spaceships? Google “voyager probe”. Fascinating stuff.
Not here to argue semantics, but you're still claiming the lack of alien artifacts, here on Earth, is proof aliens are super rare or non-existent?
Let's not forget the whole point of this thread is aliens might be out there, but less inclined to space travel if they have trouble leaving their home world.

>I’m assuming that the universe isn’t “TEEMING with space-empires”, unlike you.
Exactly. We have no evidence, because we have no ability to gather evidence. Everything is 100% conjecture... but you're still willing to draw conclusions.
pic related.

>> No.10333103 [View]
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You're the one defending policies that will result in more black people dying.

ur the racist here braj.

>> No.9847510 [View]
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>they'd do it to harness the energy
Ah, the Kardashev Scale.
Let's measure the advancement of a society by the amount of energy they use.
So a "truly" advanced society must surely have some combination of high population and high per-capita energy use.
The reason this is absurd is left as an exercise for the reader.

>> No.9482914 [View]
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>Wrong, change requires the space to emanate said change.
But change still requires time.
Cause precedes effect.
Effect follows cause.
This is pre-preschool level shit, Anon.
We all figure this out before we learn to speak.

>all the rest of this drivel....
Couldn't you find a better use of your time?

>> No.9469596 [View]
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>not bitwise OR

>> No.9199817 [View]
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>They would give off energy
Such as?
>We couldn't pick up broadcasts as powerful as our own at interstellar distances (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox#We_are_not_listening_properly).).

>would be visiting us to colonize it as well.
Assuming they have nothing better to do than multiply like mindless insects, AND they could live comfortably here, AND they have no moral objection to displacing life here, AND life here doesn't pose a serious threat to them living here.

>> No.9161931 [View]
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Lol wut m8?

>> No.8992659 [View]
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>the Femi paradox seems to show that we are the only ones in our galactic cluster and possibly even observable universe
Oh Jesus.
Did you really miss the last Fermi thread?
We have no real data on the "why no aliens" question, it's all speculation.
The "paradox" isn't grounds for any conclusions, especially if you're trying to rule out the existence of other races in the entire universe.
Hell, assuming GR holds, most of the observable universe is so far away any alien ship trying to reach us wouldn't be able to because the expansion of space "outruns" the speed of light.

>> No.8374421 [View]
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>we cant even cure the common cold
Yeah, it should be totally easy to come up with a cure for a thousand different strains of viral infections.
Since the symptoms are pretty mild, the cure should be easy, rite?

>> No.8284970 [View]
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>don't worry guize, I've got the whole universe figured out!
>the jump from stone tools to warp drive is so simple we can discount the possibility of ever encountering a species in between
>oh, and all aliens would naturally agree with what I've figured out

>> No.8195238 [View]
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>It does, else there do not exist infinite reference frames to be considered.
Reference frames aren't physical objects, and any one configuration of atoms in motion CAN be described in relation to an infinite number of reference frames, and the laws of physics must apply equally in all frames.
If you're going to dismiss GR, please try to understand it first.

>> No.8126919 [View]
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>Life hasn't been on this planet long enough for dice rolling genetic mutations to go as far as a single celled organism to the complex creatures we have today.
>It's extremely improbable.

OP you tard...
>The scientists from the University of Georgia estimate the number of bacteria on our planet to be five million trillion trillion - that's a five with 30 zeroes after it.
>There are far more bacteria on earth than there are stars in the universe.

>When conditions are favourable such as the right temperature and nutrients are available, some bacteria like Escherichia coli can divide every 20 minutes.

And it STILL took them over 3 billion years to go from abiogenesis to the Cambrian Explosion.

You're an idiot.

>> No.8029618 [View]
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>I want to live forever, but not in a practical sense.
>I'd rather put my hopes in an unverifiable process we have no reason to believe exists.


>> No.7966589 [View]
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>> No.7962705 [View]
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>>run into slow moving tractor
> >run into fridge at 0.9c
> >same
Are you huffing glue?
The OP doesn't ask anything about refrigerators, relative mas of vehicles, or anything like that.

>Is it safer for you to be moving faster or slower than the other car?

Notice there's nothing about which vehicle is bigger,, or the total speed of the two cars relative to each other.
The only thing he's asking is "safer if my car is faster? safer if my car slower?"

It's kind of a dumb question, because even if there's some minor difference, it's overall MUCH safer to reduce total relative speed before impact.
So you should ALWAYS hit the brakes before a head-on collision.
Anybody who says "hurr, hit the gas, plow right thru unharmed" is a retard.
I actually knew someone who believed this, and yes, he actually had a learning disability, no joke.

>> No.7957407 [View]
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>Why do you think I'm asking about Tay specifically?
"Tay" was the third word in your post.

>> No.7908843 [View]
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>Went to my first furcon

>> No.7906860 [View]
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How short was the school bus?

>> No.7903620 [View]
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>Liberal Art majors

>> No.7902104 [View]
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