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>> No.11152659 [View]
File: 441 KB, 1400x1300, redcrossreport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, that's why I said "a few decades"
You said "a decade", as you can easily check, but let's move on since even one decade is a hilariously long time to take to decide whether Dachau and Buchenwald were gas-chamber-equipped mass-murder camps or not.
>The death toll was eventually stablized at 6 million and is now undisputed by holocaust scholars.
Does the name David Irving ring a bell?
>If you don't trust Soviet numbers, then who's numbers do you trust?
I might trust captured German numbers if they existed, but they don't, outside a short, captured (ambiguous and unauthenticated) Einsatzgruppen message about anti-partisan actions, with some numbers in the ten- or hundred- thousand range. In a pinch, I might also trust pic related, international Red Cross numbers from the 70s and 80s, "a few decades" after the war.
>Citation needed.
You can consult the Wikipedia page on Auschwitz. (Their source is the Nobel Peace Prize announcement materials for pro-holocaust revisionist Elie Wiesel. Make of the what you will.)

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