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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10497908 [View]
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Any med students here?
I started kickboxing recently and after my first class, i got punched quite a few times in the face.
Left with a mild headache, but it quickly went away after went home and relaxed.

My question is, am I doing irreversible damage to my brain by casually engaging in this sport? Am I making myself dumb by accident?

>> No.10255486 [View]
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>tfw most of current 4chan users dont even know about the rules
I feel old and tired

>> No.9641519 [View]
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>tfw when your professor constantly makes stupid mistakes during lecture which you and your class mates point out

>tfw when the professor counts points off your test for fucking up the same shit they did when you were under a time constraint


>> No.9613256 [View]
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>tfw my own linguistics have gotten so edgy and good it scares me sometimes

>> No.9512051 [DELETED]  [View]
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> What's that? An amazing new step forward in artificial intelligence and robotics that could potentially revolutionise countless industries and further the human race? Hah! Well I've seen Black Mirror, so therefore all new stuff is bad. Bow to my superior intellect. Logic'd.

Why are braincels like this?

>> No.9463809 [View]
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>all these virgins implying that extroversion is a trade off for intelligence because they're complete spergs
The fucking lack of self awareness in here, is this a science subreddit now?
Who do you think takes the best research positions in the hard sciences? Extroverts.
Who do you think manages all of the engineers and code-monkeys in paper mills and power plants? Extroverted bosses.
Who do you think expresses and presents their ideas in the most effective and efficient ways, moving their subject of choice and the human species as a whole forward with their drive? You guessed it extroverted researchers.

Hell, do you think those people that manage the moon landings and mars missions were autists that just couldn't express their phenomenal mountain of knowledge? Extroverts are the cream of the crop in any STEM field and you niggers know it.

>> No.9028010 [View]
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Nearly every electronic device you interact with every day relies on the creation of an alternating electric potential, in some way. Smartphones are powered by a DC battery and can generate signals at 5 billion hertz. How does THAT happen?

From my understanding, the voltage on the gate of each resistor will always be the same, even if the resistors are open, so both will be held open constantly. I can't see how this would alternate.

>> No.8641477 [View]
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How many people on /sci/ actually know some real, rigorous math? Like, at the very least, acquainted with a construction of the reals instead of some kind of vague concept of digit strings.

>> No.7964326 [View]
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>tfw work part-time in retail
>often get stupid questions like what's the difference between unit and sale price
>get one customer one day asking about a promotion
>"Spend $50, get a $5 gift card."
>"What do I have to do to get the gift card?"
Spend $50
>"How do I know when I have $50?"
Add up the prices of your stuff
>looks at me all confused like I'm speaking in tongues
>"I don't get it."
If all your items add up to $50, before taxes, you get the gift card.
>keeps just looking blankly
>"So how do I add up the prices?"

Yep, never use math in your life they said

>> No.7141210 [View]
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>scared of failing

Every single time. Don't do it.

>> No.7041682 [View]
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I hope you mean "what would i see if i was facing backwards and moving at the speed of light?"

the same image as you saw right before you got to the speed of light, because time would stop for you. if you somehow slowed or stopped, time would continue for you, and you would see whatever you would see at that speed.

>> No.6998508 [View]
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I played videogames with vague scientific content like ksp, universe sandbox and such
ask me anything

>> No.6998420 [View]
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What do you mean?

>> No.6998399 [View]
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What do you guys think?


>tfw just want to get laid before I die

>> No.6945018 [View]
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>What do you study anon?

>> No.6810733 [View]
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>teacher writing down equations on the board
>turns around and says "So before we go on, are there any questions about this?"
>he stares at the class for a good 10 seconds, waiting for a question
>raise my hand and ask "Where did this cosine equation on the right side come from again?"
>"Maybe you should study more."

I don't attend lectures anymore. Sure it doesn't seem like much, but nothing has ever pissed me off more than this fucking teacher. He's a cunt in grading too, gives NO partial credit. Fuck up one negative sign but still get all conceptual questions perfect? 0/12 points.

>> No.6718709 [DELETED]  [View]
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Anthropologists or anyone knowledgeable in the genetics of ethnicity.

On the wikipedia page for China, it states what are the most dominant ethnic groups (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China))

On the wikipedia page for India it doesnt show dominant ethnic groups, and when i search up "ethnic groups of india"it gives me a list of caste's from the caste system.

Are there no dominant ethnic groups in india? or do the caste's accurately represent different ethnic groups? Also, would classifying people as aryan or dravidian be a reasonable substitute?

>> No.6657346 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm a scientist but this isn't my specialty. No non science answers please, fuck off.

So we're supposed to be eating 10-12 portions fruit and vegetables a day, but on a chemical level fruit/veg is just carbs and micro nutrients.

If I take a 100% RDA of the vitamins in a single pill, surely this compensates 100% for eating vegetables/fruit...?

And the stomach can't tell the difference between the pill and the solid food?

>> No.6596564 [DELETED]  [View]
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TL;DR = How do I focus on studying?

When I was in elementary school I was hyperactive to the point where I was confined to a small room that would be locked. I was given my books and such and told to study. You can guess how that worked out.

Basically my entire academic "career" was fucked due to this. I'm sick of being uneducated and stupid. I am going to enroll at a community college and I really want to work in the field of astronomy. A crazy goal for someone like me.
I've downloaded hundreds of physics and math books on the subject and I've tried my best to read them. They are fucking fascinating and I love that shit.
The problem is I just FUCKING CAN'T get a book read or math exercises done. I've been struggling with this for 3 years now and I haven't gotten anywhere.

How I study now:
Remove all distractions from the room I'm studying in IE. Close curtains and doors and wear noise cancelling headphones with no music playing.
Set a goal of something like 5-15 pages of math (college level. I found out what books are used and bought them. I haven't enrolled yet.)
and then start going at it.
I can do it for 1-2 days and then I start doing something else.
I have a million so called "Projects" going on simultaneously. Ranging from closed ecological systems to amateur rocketry and telescope building.

>> No.6448985 [View]
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>yoneda lemma again
is this like a meme?

>> No.6419812 [View]
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>.333333 = 4

u wot.

>> No.6401954 [View]
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Damn you are some new kind of stupid. There have been hundred of cases in PA (most settled out of court by the companies) There's even a two part documentary on it called Gasland. Also I live in PA where for some fuckbackwards reason our state doesn't tax oil(?) or fracking, Way to keep our lands preserved for the 9 million generations of hunters and outdoorsmen

>> No.6288496 [View]
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>> No.6263984 [View]
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fuck off

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