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>> No.7722598 [View]
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>> No.7719815 [View]
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Not going to comment on this, just going to post NATIONAL data with more than fucking 30 sample points.

>> No.7659283 [View]
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Business is 40kpa plebshit.

>> No.7450582 [View]
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CS salaries for graduate degrees are much higher than bachelors though.

>> No.7309034 [View]
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No one cares about your home town, if you were too retarded to notice there's this thing called *stop sucking your mums tits after 20 and leave*. On average a physics bachelor holder will earn more than the lesser engineering disciplines like mechanical and civil. Of course very few physics graduates actually get to work in a technical, but the salaries for physicist researchers aren't bad.

>> No.7300960 [View]
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CS is 60k average starting salary you cuck, you'll easily get 100k after 4-5 years in the field though.

>> No.7292422 [View]
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Of course it does.

>> No.7287414 [View]
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>All these morons with their idiotic opinions

Knock it off, there's enough data, we don't need your feels.


>> No.7255710 [View]
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But on average you won't even break six figures in your life time doing anything less than Mechanical Engineering.

Even the average Civil Engineer never breaks 6 figs.

>> No.7218140 [View]
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Earlier pic >>7216540 for post grad

<<< Pic related is bachelors

On average Law is one of the most overrated professions, the average law degree (Juris doctorate) earns less starting than a Chem/Nuclear E bachelors and almost half the petro salaries.

>> No.7202434 [View]
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>>BTFO by finance people in terms of salary

>> No.7198868 [View]
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ME is mid tier at best nice try MEfag.

Any list that doesn't have ChemE and Nuke in God is a troll.

In any case here's the ONLY power ranking that matters. Get fucked mentally inferiortards.

>> No.7185260 [View]
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>In short, everyone knows that engineering is shit to go in to for pay.
But this is objectively wrong since chem engineering has the highest starting salaries of any undergraduate degree. Average statistics hold more weight than your bullshit personal opinion, faggot.

>BP and shell pay engineering graduates around £36 k as a starting salary.
If BP is offering salaries that low than just apply to other companies retard, the average petro salaries are international averages because anyone with an accredited degree can apply. I'm looking at a 100k job posting in Abu Dabi right fucking now.

Are you really comparing your Physics "GRAD SCHOOL" to my undergrad chemical engineering? Jesus christ you are fucking retarded beyond belief.

>In the UK you do 4 years of courses (to get an MPhys) and then jump in to PhD research.
It's the same in the US retard. 3 years bach and a year of coursework in your masters while you do your masters research, often you can start a PhD programme directly and be doing your PhD research at 22.

Not all your universities are like Imperial, if you go to top American universities you'll also see their ahead of most state unis. Imperial has a system that is completely different from your other uni's degrees.

>> No.7181313 [View]
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>ITT: OP is frustrated that he is seen as nothing more than a lab monkey while ChemEs are hailed as Gods.

>How can people consciously choose to do engineering?
People who want a professional career where they can apply science and math for living.
>Who dreams of calculating the composition of shit in pipes?
Has very little to do with engineering, you just have no imagination or creativity, typical lab monkey.
>Is working as an engineer an admission of failure at life?
Considering it's both the hardest and most prestigious undergraduate degree you can get into by any objective measure (hardest entrance requirements, highest dropout rates and more than quadruple the amount of science graduates vs engineering etc.) you say that about literally any degree except engineering.
>finance / management consulting graduate jobs take students from any major and they pay much more?
Pic related, engineers are the highest paid and tech management can only be done by engineers, in terms of graduate degrees engineers also top the list (see payscale's graduate top graduate degrees by salary), the crappy middle management non-engineers end up in is neither prestigious nor very financially rewarding. The most common degree held by fortune 100 CEOs is also engineering has always been engineering.
>Can anybody show me a piece of academic engineering research that couldn't have been done by a physicist?
Academic research isn't all there is to life and most engineers can do any research most physicists can to.

Funny you should say that faggot, I've published 4 papers in an applied Physics journal in less than 3 years since my senior year and I literally supervise the research of a physics masters student. Physics is a background degree to Chemical Engineering, expect for very few students most Physicists will only find work in materials, which means statistically you will be working for me one day. Enjoy offing yourself when that day comes.

>> No.7172298 [View]
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I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my paycheck.

Chem = Nuke >>> Aero = Elec > ~who cares

>> No.7170296 [View]
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>> No.7160278 [View]
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>He thinks IT salaries have anything to do with SEM coding

Take a look at the real CS salaries m8. I know your retarded cousin thinks he's SEM, but really his an IT monkey.

>> No.7146277 [View]
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CE is very slightly superior to CS and as always inferior to the Chemical, Electrical, Aero and Nuke.


>> No.7138428 [View]
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(Forgot pic)

>> No.7107465 [View]
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ChemE because you can also do petroleum while having job security in other sectors of the economy (and living state side instead of on a shitty rig). And also you'll be in best engineering.

Mech is a shit.

EE is also a shit.

The counter part master race engineering, but the job market is less stable, nuke's been making a come back in recent years, but I'm not informed enough to know if it will last.

He's exaggerating.

>> No.7067730 [View]
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Make ahead and make my day faggot, I'm a ChemE working in petro processing. You should've gone the >muh working conditions route.

You fags make a respectable amount of money, but you're a long way off from being top dog earners.

>> No.7017485 [View]
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But even undergrad Physics pays orders more than finance...

>> No.6684035 [View]
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Suck it MechEfags


>> No.6572912 [View]
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Mind you in the reported salaries most Physics majors weren't working in a technical field (these do not include graduate degree holders), most of them end up in a finance field or other

>tfw your major's dropped two places

Fucking nuclearE, fucking actuarialM

Guess I'll have to go do Petroleum in some shithole desert country.

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