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>> No.10337501 [View]
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>literally record breaking weather
>lol climate change's fake guys xd

>> No.10037284 [View]
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>> No.9824078 [View]
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>> No.9667197 [View]
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>its time to shit up the thread

>> No.9205688 [View]
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>> No.8962712 [View]
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>> No.8632627 [View]
File: 43 KB, 810x583, Global Warmlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to a conference which got a little funding from a company that is somehow related to oil
I think you mean Anthony Watts is a perennial paid speaker at a conference which is organized and sponsored by the Heartland Institute. they've been paying him to make appearances there since 2008. Steven Goddard (or Tony Heller, to unmask him) is a paid speaker there as well. and William Happer? he literally agreed to write a pro-CO2 opinion piece in exchange for oil money, and offered to help obscure the origin of the money.
but go ahead, keep pretending none of that ever happened.

Dana Nuccitelli USED to work for Tetra Tech. Tetra Tech hasn't been involved in the fossil fuel business since the 1980s. these days they mostly do water processing and environmental remediation type stuff. nice attempt at making shit up...as usual.

>autistic focus on the hot spot
you know, it's actually been observed now, right?
>aerosols are fake!
yeah, because CO2 is the ONLY thing that affects temperature, and a sudden uptick in industry (coupled with a pulse of volcanism) couldn't POSSIBLY have a short-term effect on temps.
>comparing arctic and antarctic sea ice
>one's derived from a continental icecap, the other's formed by the freezing of ocean surface
>thinking they're the same
>being this retarded
Arctic sea ice continues to plunge. Antarctic sea ice is slowly increasing...at the expense of the continental icecap, which is flowing off the landmass at an increasing rate
>stern of ship rises => Titanic is SINKING!
>stern of ship falls => hurr durr, the ship broke so everything's different now, Titanic is SINKING!
pic related

>> No.8546916 [View]
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>> No.8515601 [View]
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>Just because they're not arguments doesn't mean you should ignore them
nay, we laugh at them instead.
>bullshit manipulated statistics
this right here is the root of the problem. deniers dismiss any evidence that goes against their uhpinyuns by unilaterally declaring it to be fake, manipulated, or otherwise fraudulent. do they have actual evidence of this? no, but that hasn't stopped them in the past and it is unlikely to stop them in the future.

>> No.8469043 [View]
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It's not like trumpwin matters in this regard.

Most green parties around the world have been concentrating either on magic like the solar fucking woo or some arts&crafts stuff that has no effect. Most have been hindering actually meaningful projects like the ignorant little fucks that greenpeas consists of.

>> No.8342143 [View]
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>all data that disagrees with me is fake!
>because I said so!
and I suppose Satan put dinosaur bones in the ground too...

>> No.8238771 [View]
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whatever happened to ExtremelyPissedOffRightWingers1 I wonder.

>let's take three poorly-labeled graphs that aren't aligned on the axes
>flash them past the viewer really fast so it's hard to compare them
>and say they prove a massive conspiracy
>adjustments? measurement bias? what are those?
just the same old denier memegraph as always
>nb4 evil denier
>Prove it wrong with documented facts.
this fucking guy who wants us to prove there ISN'T a conspiracy even though he hasn't brought any "documented facts" to suggest that there IS.

>they measured temperature anomaly using a different baseline
>therefore it's a fraud!
do you understand how graphs work? like, at all? the climateaudit post literally takes the observation curve and moves it up and down to try and prove your claim, apparently unaware that all that is changed by using a different baseline is that the y-axis is numbered differently.

reminder: the plural of "anecdote" is not "data"
do I also need to remind you of how many of your listed papers actually SUPPORT mainstream theories of climate change?

deniers STILL don't have an answer to how known skeptic Muller tried to prove climate change to be false, and ended up proving it true instead.

>> No.7999589 [View]
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>I don't like what it says
>therefore it's fake
and here we have the denier in action...

100% this

dude, he was AGREEING with that guy

>> No.7994981 [View]
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>I don't see the correlation.
it's a concept called "crank magnetism"
basically, if someone falls for one conspiracy meme, they're likely to fall for a bunch of others (more so than an average person). if you think the government is faking the temperatures and promoting a carbon hoax, they might as well be spreading chemtrails and hiding ayylmaos and giving everyone autism as well. anything is possible once you assume that all evidence contradicting your views was planted by The Man to keep the sheeple in line.


>> No.7395557 [View]
File: 43 KB, 810x583, glolul warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7078116 [View]
File: 43 KB, 810x583, 1418415355676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7024523 [View]
File: 49 KB, 810x583, global warmlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6943849 [View]
File: 49 KB, 810x583, global warmlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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