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>> No.9513337 [View]
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Not to ruin the party, but if you get pure amphetamine it's really much more potent than adderall and you can dosage it evenly to the level that you get most performance enhancing effect. It's kind of give and take. The more stimulant you take the more you boost cognitive functions, senses and brain power. Until you surpass the limit and it goes down. Also great if you have anxiety. Since it removes fear and inhibitions. I experienced with 5 gram once and fuck it was cash. My cognitive functions went through the roof. Was shitload of kek i turned Eminem into a silly chill that day. That's maybe 1 million the time more than what docs prescribe and recommend. It's maybe unconversial for many of you but pure amphetamine is the grandfather of smart drugs. In nazy germany it was floating. They would not have become so advanced so fast without amf. And the blitzkrieg, they could keep up for days and weeks. Hope i didn't ruin party but adderall, go home.

>> No.9511799 [View]
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180, uneducated, living in shit Apartment. Doing amphetamine to cope with depression. Hard to trust people. Now im happy again and high life is good. I feel like i have lived life enough until now. Tobthe fullest. So to expect 50 more happy days is kind of fucked up. Peace.

>> No.9510608 [View]
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A flaw made by the mind because the brain is insufficient to give subject the capasity needed to sufficiently operate optimal given that the circumstanses are good and it dosen't do what is necessarry, has purpose or meaning or value to it. And therefore will instead hurt you, give you a disadvantage, create a problem, eliminate options and good possibilities for no benefit. In shorter term that the brain choses actions wich in return gives you slightly to heavy lack of good beneficial gain that result in loss of good. Fuck that was hazy. Hazzley. Think i made my point. Also unessissary actions for no purpose. When there is no point to do anything. Gains and loss. Benefit or not. Win or lose. It is in the end a bad choise. Based on to do or not to do. A bad choise can be subjective or objective based on the knowlege, wisdom and mental capacity subject possess. Means to begin with and through life you certainly gonna do something stupid no matter how smart you are. But after awhile the mind makes up chances of error due to that you learn. And you chose the enviroment up to what is good for you. The more stupid you become makes you do more and more and more stupid the more you fail. The smarter the more info you can handle and you know what's good or bad, needed and not needed, true and false. And then the ability to look far ahead and dirwct your actions aswell to another option and so on. People with average mind can plan pretty good. The smarter you get the more variables you can absorb and compute. And you can decide your best options. The mind does take a lifetime to master completely and develop. Only limited by capasity. But who do you compete with beside yourself. You basically don't need more than you need. Ironically it can be both hard and easy to be smart and both hard and easy to be stupid. I think it's about how much you know yourself, that's the essence. Peace.

>> No.9510337 [View]
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Human history has so much unreasonabilities with it that it's just to congratulate. We have been dumb like sheeps for 2000 years now. The church had complete power over the people. Nothing were aloved eventually. Nothing improved. People were poor, weak and had weak knowlege. Anything new was either dangerous or against gods will. Unbelivers were sentenced to death. And there were witch hunting and they got burned. They introduced gods service. Were you had to sit completely shut for 8 hours a day in a church wich were on Latin and no one understood Latin. And books were only written by priests. And on top of that people had to pay taxes to the church. Wich again were not spent on the people. Even the potato were forbidden for 200 years or so. They ruled like this for centuries and things were extremely bad. This continued up until at least 17 century were it became more and more uncreditential. But even today we got morons blindly following the doctrine. Some are even fanatic still. It's a big bluff. And easy to misslead into vanity. So how did Leonardo do it in an era with strong christianity. To be a free thinker and a boheme working for all sorts of lords even the pope. Main reason he enchipered his notes was because if someone found it he would get punished probably with death. Harsh enviroment indeed. So he was somehow in vain and free. But like a lot like other stories of history it went in vain for him too. The notes were never published and were hidden and foegotten. Luckily some actually survived and got some fame and fortune. If hes notes would have been used then it would have changed history big time. Same as if the vikings had have been stronger they would just aswell made further advances. So this is a sign of what is without any religion that rules in vain. It would simply advance and move in a more developed fashion. Today we havr disbelief to the church, we know to well what is right and true. And that religion is the vanity of vain.

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