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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14876133 [View]
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This is a pretty cool problem. I was also considering generating every possible grid pattern at various sizes and then looking through the output images to see which configurations represent maids.

If I generate every possible 100x100 grid then a subset of that data will be every possible 100x100 anime maid. They all live in that computation because every possible black and white arrangement of pixels lives in that computation.

To make all the images I would have to tell my computer to draw 2^10000 images. That's probably a big number. The science computer only has 1TB hard drive and that might be more than 1TB of images.

This makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the advice, fren.

>> No.14867486 [View]
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Why is Computational Science called Computational Science and not called Applied Computer Science?

Applied Computer Science seems like a more accurate name for the field?

When I read the Landau book he says stuff like:
>Computational scientists solve tomorrow's problems with yesterday's computers; computer scientists seem to do it the other way around

He said that in his lecture videos too.

Does he just dislike the Computer Science field? How is Computational Science not just Applied Computer Science?

>> No.14866225 [View]
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Maybe. I suppose I could try seeding randomness differently each time my program runs, with a timestamp or something, but then you could probably calculate the same set of "random" numbers if you knew the timestamp.

I have some dice/coins I use whenever I need to make a decision about something I don't care about.

If I flip a coin to decide if my pizza should have anchovies and pineapple on it, or bell peppers and mushrooms you could predict the outcome of that physical process if you had enough information about the coin, the way it got flipped, air currents in the room, etc. It would be computable and you could predict my pizza, despite looking random to an observer who has incomplete data and no way to compute anything. Randomness may not be a thing which can actually exist in a material reality based on cause-and-effect.

I think this starts to get to unprovable philosophical arguments which go past the scope of things I can demonstrate with my computer though.

>> No.14864642 [View]
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Hi math /sci/entists.

In another thread someone was talking about using magic powers to influence random number generators.

I want to make an experiment where I generate a billion numbers while thinking about raising or lowering the numbers, or nothing as a control.

However, I am a mathlet and I don't know what math to use to check if the data is abnormal.

It someone helps me figure out that math part I will code it in SLAM and post results. I already know how to make a billion random numbers and put them in a stack.


>> No.14856530 [View]
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My advice remains the same. Make a computer program that does all the calculations (any language you like).

In the process you'll have to type each of them out a bazillion times and look at them a lot and debug them. Bonus points if you cover them in unit tests to prove your calculations are correct.

>> No.14856271 [View]
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I am also old and a hobbyist (at computer science though).

eBay is pretty much your strongest ally. You can get some really nice textbooks inexpensively, if you don't mind getting things that came out before 2000.

There is a site called z-library with a lot of PDFs.

A good workflow I found is to look at the book in z-library to make sure it's useful or interesting to me. Then I go to eBay and pay $4-$10 dollars and the book ships to me.

As far as asking if this is worth $20 the way I look at it is how much entertainment time will this cause? If you buy a $20 book and get 100 hours of entertainment from it, then you paid $0.20/hr for entertainment, which is very economical in comparison to other entertainment forms. If you like books a lot it might also cause you to cancel streams because you have less TV time, which frees more budget for books.

If you want a paper book then be sure you get the other supplies too. Get a lot of spiral notebooks and some good gel pens too. Figure you might spend another $20 there up front, but they will be useful for anything you want to study with books.

Also if you like playing computer when you do science, look into free programming languages (there are a lot of them) and write code that makes your computer do calculus. If you don't have a computer but you want to do this, I recommend a cheap SBC running some flavor of linux as that's an inexpensive way to get access to the GNU Compiler Collection.

>> No.14854084 [View]
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Sending you a properly formatted paper isn't an ad hominem, Dr. Mandlmaid.

>> No.14853632 [View]
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Oh, I got kinda off topic. The immediate use I can see for this is to print off the LISP 1 manual since that one is written in m-expressions and I have only ever been able to get it as a PDF.

That is probably the book I would put my favorite Ilulu on because I really enjoyed reading about m-expression LISP and I want a hard copy.

>> No.14851137 [View]
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Java is a braindead easy OOP language good for engineering things where blazing speed is not required. It is very easy to learn Java, and the language comes with a lot of nice, built in data structures via the java.util package.

C++ is the result of a schizophrenic man making a "better C". HolyC was a much funnier (and more technically impressive) attempt at the same. C++ in an uncomfortable spot where it is harder to use than Java, but not significantly faster.

Python isn't a programming language. Python is a package manager which downloads programs written in better languages (usually C) and exposes some facilities to pipe the results of those packages together and add basic control flow to your program. It is easy to learn and can solve a lot of problems. If you don't care about computer science and you just want to simulate a science or engineering problem for another field, use Python, assuming whatever you're writing doesn't need to run quickly and scientist time is viewed as more important than computer time.

There is a good chance a package already exists for whatever you want to do too, so Python can enable higher velocity of making code to model your idea by providing lots of ready made packages to stitch together, saving you the time of having to write whatever code you are using from the package. Downside is that Python runs slowly so you kind of have to look at that trade-off to decide if it's a good tool for your problem.

>> No.14845364 [View]
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I would make a Maid Book which contains one chapter for every person in America, using only their home state as information.

Then I would shelve that Maid Book into the DIMINISHING section of the Maid Library.

I'd read two chapters from the book and then record if they were in states which touch or not.

Then I would reset the DIMINISHING Maid Book and repeat the process about one billion times and observe the results.

If anyone knows where I can get the data I will try to make it in SLAM w/ Ilulu.

>> No.14841890 [View]
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I'm not sure what you mean, fren. Do you have any cool math for your light has mass idea?

>> No.14838987 [View]
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Thank you, fren. To be honest I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I was given 20k AI generated anime maids to complete MAID-LISP, and the book, so I have to do that because if people donate you stuff you should deliver your project. I already ate the green kitkats too.

So for sure I have to make that and it has to be able to compile to RISC-V assembly and be useable as a LISP machine, or I won't get any more anime maids or foreign candy.

SLAM is a smaller, entirely hand-written in Java 16, interpreter/translator that I made to try to solidify ideas/engineering with the Maid Books before trying the same thing on a larger scale with MAID-LISP.

I think you're confusing me with someone else fren. I haven't been talking to anyone in here about angular energy. I don't even know what that is or what conserving it means.

If you can write out some math for it though, I might be able to write a program in SLAM that calculates whatever the angular conserving string-ball thing you're talking about is supposed to do.

I don't know who Mandlbaur is. I just wanna post maids and play computer science.

>> No.14834731 [View]
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>what is every possible maid book / system? is there a way to generate the list of them?

There could be an infinite number of them without a good way of generating all the possible ones.

A maid book can contain any number number of chapters (well, realistically capped by hardware).

Each chapter can contain any number of valid tokens for SLAM.

A section can contain any number of Maid Books and a library can contain any number of sections.

How a Maid Book behaves when it is read depends on what section of the library it is in.

>well, can they be equivalent to a turing machine or whatever? "turing complete"?

Maybe? I have no idea how to do that proof.

>> No.14834262 [View]
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>Bridge between the worst part of America and the worst part of Russia

For what purpose? Why would we even want such a thing? I don't know about the Chinese bridge, but I'd wager it served some purpose, either militarily or economically.

What do we get if we build this bridge? Would shipping things on trucks along this route make more sense than just flying or using ships?

>tl;dr: Why do we actually need your bridge? Who is it for? What is the use-case?

>> No.14828206 [View]
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Good morning /sci/entists!

A long time ago a guy called Konrad Zuse invented general purpose computing and computer programming from some ideas he found in a Hilbert book.

He invented combinatorics to take notes for playing computer science and did some other cool stuff. He lived through the WWII (his computer was going to be used to help the Luftwaffe make more advanced airplanes) but was kinda obscure after.

>niche question

I found the Hilbert book. Does anyone know where I can get Zuse's writings? It's fine if it's in German, though English is preferred since it's a saner language (I don't want to have to waste time figuring out what a berzonderzugenfliegelflorpenzagen is). I'm particularly interested in his thesis, but I will look at anything.

Enough of his writings must exist to implement Plankalkül, because other people have implemented it in the past.

I think it would be very fun to read Zuse's writings.

>more general question paired with unimportant anecdote

Are there any othet math writers as good as Hilbert?

Most math books I find or people send me quickly out me as a mathlet and I end up not comprehending it. I used to have that problem with computer science, but then I met a retired computer scientist and he gave me some books because he didn't need them anymore. I read some of the books and they were pretty cool. It left a big impression on me about how if one guy writing about things is incomprehensible to me, another guy writing about the same thing might be better, because writing talent is not evenly distributed across scientists/mathematicians and some of them are just way better than others at explaining stuff.

Usually either because they printed a lot of nice pictures, offered example code or an experiment (psuedo or otherwise) or wrote in an exceptionally clear style (Ullman is an example of a computer scientist who did all of these things well).

>> No.14824957 [View]
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Someone in a different thread was playing with trying to make big prime numbers. I think I can abstract some parts of that game. Instead of messing up that guy's thread I'm just gonna post here until I either have a cool result to share or give up.

>big long dra/g/on maid word problem

Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored (See attached image. It's your Ilulu). She wants to play number theory with the math /sci/entists because she likes math and she understands what a number is.

So she goes to the Maid Library and gets a small sack of dehydrated ginger from the snack machine in the front. Ilulu is walking around, enjoying the chewy ginger things, opening science books at random because she likes seeing pictures and math writing.

Eventually she finds a book called CHUNGUS. It contains a CHUNGUS number. A CHUNGUS number is a random number with special properties. To make a CHUNGUS number, concatenate all the digits, 0-9 in any order. You can repeat this any number of times. The number of times you go through the process is referred to as the POWER LEVEL of the CHUNGUS. For example, 7140923865 is a CHUNGUS number with POWER LEVEL 1. 71409238657140923865 is also a CHUNGUS, with POWER LEVEL 2. A BIG CHUNGUS is a CHUNGUS with a POWER LEVEL that is over 9000.

Why do we talk about CHUNGUS? Well, there's an infinite number of CHUNGUSES, and every last one of them is composite (divisible by three). There are no prime CHUNGUS numbers. No matter how you arrange those digits, the result is divisible by three because the digits sum to 45 and that number is divisible by three. You don't have to check if your 10 trillion POWER LEVEL CHUNGUS is prime or not, cuz the digits sum to 450 trillion and 450 trillion is a divisible by three.

(Ilulu is a major respecter of digits due to her time on 2ch spent arguing about books and math)

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