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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6481188 [View]
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Since we are talking about irrational animals, does it surprise you if the answer is Chemicals?

Do you believe in Chemistry?

>> No.6467558 [View]
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Scientific method
Modern physics & chem
Computer science
Aaand that is it.

20 pages.

Measurements and predictions system.
Relativity, Electricity, Optics, Thermodinamic's Laws, Newton's sum up, Periodic table and organic chem starting tier.
Tell them to keep up with Arithmetics with machines. Would tell them to write 6 hours a day.

Then Send it to Bhaskara II and see the ein thousand years aryan reich to this day. He had calculus and already meditated.

>> No.6435636 [View]
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You, I want to help you.

1. You do not want to put in as few words as possible. In fact, I had this exact idea and the euphoria of it so I precisely know what I am talking about. So here is what you are going to do because you know it makes perfect sense: you are going to write. Write a fuckload. In fact, it seems you are already familar with acting like a human being and writing. What I want you to do is to write 6 hours every single day. You have a clock and food, so be civilsed and write a lot. I am here almost everyday, if you stick around we can make use of /sci/ for our hardcore idea. But you really need to write to integrate your mind.

2. Now that the craziness feel have settled in, you can actually read a fuckload of hard mathematics scenarios. If you have nothing but motivation, you will end up carrying a big weight. My friend, over ambition is a male thing. I fucking love it but I am experienced. Even though you are starting slow and is feeling for writting this today, I am warning you: you must think about food all the time. This is a adventure that is already fucking there. If you think of the game instead of food, you will experience something called mind crack addiction. So, weird dead end. Food is what is in your mind, not even money, porn or nihilism. I really hope the format of this text is the best.

3. You will have to know many games, specially those related by the end of the day. You will have to be experienced with fast cognition, so set up with 2 small sessions of simple reaction time measurements daily, take a look at tests and IQ tests, and play chess and tetris twice daily. You will have to not be sadistic, otherwise you associate being smart with being evil. The product you are going to deliver can get as good as you are. Do these and it is a straight path.

4. Done 1,2 and 3, you are now a normal person and therefore is able to actually realise where all the science material is and that for example there is a sticky and read it.

>> No.6415669 [View]
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I have meditated a lot. Writing 3 hours a day is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than meditating, at least anapanasati meditation. It is clear to me this kind of meditation is simply resting. Mantra meditation seems better, but only when the mantra actually mean something. I believe thinking of good food all day is awesomely healthy. I can't write a big text about all of it because I feel like being too straight to the point of what I learned so far. And people seem to ask a fuckload of questions, to think of skeptics as smart people, implying women are smart... The diamond of mine is really, think of good food all day and write 3 to 6 hours daily.

>> No.6246691 [View]
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It would work. 0.001 of c, 300000 meters per second, is going around the Earth under 17 minutes. We book potatoes in 40 minutes. Now tell me, how is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy legit, if it is.

>> No.6243028 [View]
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You can actually understand this. The problem here is that the shrinks involved in the ansewring of such question are refusing to involve the dimension called time. It does mean the probability of the next flip being heads is increased. You seem to be unsure of both statements. The chance of rolling heads twice is 1/4. The chance of rolling heads 3 times is 1/8. What is the chance of rolling heads 21 times, no breaks? 1/2097152. The chance of not rolling heads 21 times is 2097151/2097152. It is like someone forgot it and went saying I had a laugh and a diploma anyway. Events are not independent, that is what you tell yourself when you don't know what happened before. It is a fucking rare event, I played money poker enough. As complexity rises rethoric on theory gains weight, well, just do the math twice, I am a math major myself. Stop calling yourself a retard and the long term outcome will answer the doubts. These odds doesn't change while you breath or someone writes something on a board.

>> No.6198690 [View]
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I have to give a class brief on math 1 hour long. I am just here for some graphs and pics for a 10/10. /sci/ is the perfect board for this. Las time i gave them a text about the chance of alien life and a graph of fields medalists country sorted


>> No.6144013 [View]
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Atheism is older than christianity. Science is not a new thing either and was funded by christians. Feudal age is not a consequence of christianity. You would not be here without both. This is not a atheist circle jerk board. You have a feeling of a reply that you want to put into words. Just read the gospel and help people.

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