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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.12731407 [View]
File: 118 KB, 1031x769, NasaFootprints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is alleged to be round, like a sphere, right?
It's also smaller than earth, both in terms of mass and diameter, according to so-called established science

So why are the photos from the new NASA Mars mission obviously done with a fish-eye lense. Are they really this incompetant or do they just not care?
I mean, why not just take an ordinary camera to Mars? Surely it's possible right? There's no magic field around Mars which means only fish-eye cameras can be used, right?
The only possible explanation is that they deliberately attempted to make Mars look smaller and rounder using artificial means. What the hell? Why would they do this?

And WHY the fuck are there footprint-shaped markings all around the base of the rover? How the hell did these get there? Did NASA bring along a bucket load of shoes and just lightly tap them around the ground for some made-up scientific experiment? I laugh but somebody will unironically believe this sort of stuff
>IB4 they're just rocks
No, look closely you can clearly see it's disturbed dirt in the shapes of shoes. I picked out in red the outlines that were clear but there's tons more that are more ambiguous. I only chose the ones that were unmistakably shoe-shaped

The only conclusion from all of this is that NASA for whatever reason, has an interest in maintaining the idea that Mars is round and smaller than Earth, and that they are willing to create deliberately deceptive information in order to maintain this
Once you start questioning the smaller little stuff, it's like the whole illusion starts to crack and you start realising that reality isn't what it seems

The question is: are you just another mindless sheep, or are you actually critical of what is told to you by government / private organisations with a financial incentive to keep you believing one thing or another?

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