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>> No.8544182 [View]
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I gave up ChemE at Imperial to go into UIUC. Am I fucking retarded?

>> No.8512147 [View]
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I am in ECE. Don't worry, our department isn't very selective so you will probably get in.

>How do you like it?
It's not bad but certainly not exceptional by any measure. People in the real world will be quite incredulous if you assert that the department is #5 in its field or less, and to be fair they have quite a good reason to believe it is overrated.

When people say UIUC is good, you must understand that the notion of "good" is from a villager's point of view. For a university in a middle of nowhere flyover state, UIUC is indeed good. But it hardly stacks up to the juggernauts like Stanford, MIT, Berkeley on the coasts which attracts some of the best minds in the world. People who say UIUC is on par or exceeds those places have major head-stuck-in-the-cornfields syndrome.

Almost everyone I know here only came because they want to be close to home or where they grew up, got rejected from everywhere else, or can't afford to get out of state. Nobody chooses UIUC for purely academic reasons. The brightest in-state students that are very serious about getting good either end up at places like UChicago, Northwestern, or go out of state entirely, and UIUC gets the leftovers. No amount of rankings can change the fact that even EEs in Northwestern are probably smarter than the typical EE in UIUC.

Now its true that Bardeen and some old legends used to be here which is where its reputation came from. But they are dead now. And so is the department.

TL;DR: If you only want to come here for the rankings and academics, you will regret it. But since it is in the middle of nowhere, there aren't many soft factors going for this place either.

>Do you know how large the overlap (if any) is between Physics and Engineering?
Depends entirely on how you choose your electives.

That being said, the vast majority of people in ECE just swing over to software. They simply don't have the intellectual capacity for things like physics.

>> No.7720421 [View]
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>who the fuck actually thinks this class is easy?
Anyone who isnt retarded lel top kekkerino oprino

>be me
>don't study
>get a+ in 1+1:the class

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