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>> No.6692249 [View]
File: 184 KB, 640x685, sealevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm English, so Al Gore hasn't been near me, and in fact I despise the man for profiteering and fear mongering.

BUT facts are facts. The picture is just a graph of sea level rise, it's nothing serious, but each inch is several billions extra liters of water that flood defenses have to deal with. It's a rather undeniable evidence of icecap melt that can be measured from anywhere in the world.

Rising temperatures are leading to more and more flooding and droughts as hotter air shifts water around more aggressively. This is leading to farming becoming harder and harder as weather becomes less reliable and water for irrigation is having to be found somewhere.

America is rather insulated from these issues at the moment, with its vast stockpiles, I on the other hand am experiencing these changes first hand.


Since the year 2000 the price of bread has doubled. The price of bread had tracked inflation rather nicely until then.


Beef mince has done a very similar thing. Farming is getting harder and harder and is only going to get worse.

Our current model of agriculture is not adapting to the climactic change.

Couple this with rising oil prices and the price of everything is going up and up.

We are paying hand over fist to fuck ourselves with our current setup.

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