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>> No.9083765 [View]
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1 billion pajeets don't have western EE degrees

Most of the concentrations mentioned or implied do not *require* grad degrees. And they're making a MS a requirement for PE anyhow.

The concentrations are also not niche or exclusive. If you have a MS in one branch you are NOT useless at all other kinds of EE.

And you're implying that it's just luck what becomes popular but that's objectively false. Some of it is more speculative than others, but it's all happening, and we know which ones are mandatory.

IoT is, to a degree, mandatory. There is zero chance that future homes are not all networked. Already, my phone, tablet, laptop, PC, and every TV in my house are linked and I can read or watch or listen to the same thing across all of them.

Self-driving cars are also a guarantee.

Broadcast technology is ALSO guaranteed to always be a thing. Be it wifi, radio, etc.

I could go on and on. There is nothing uncertain about the prospects for EE. Shit's going well and it's only gonna get better as we integrate more of our lives.

We're moving towards some Avatar-style shit or Protoss-style shit in the long run, maybe some Ghost in the Shell shit. We're all gonna be linked by communications devices, like we are now, but they will eventually become wearable, then implantable.

Every building is gonna have VI communications to warn you about emergencies or direct you to your room or tell you where the elevator is.

Cars are gonna be a self-driving network that don't need traffic signals because they can time themselves so that busy intersections are collision-free even if every car keeps going full speed through them.

Plus the rise of virtual reality.
We're gonna be watching ultra-immersive 3D movies that put IMAX to shame with VR headsets that put you IN the scene. We're gonna see webpages adapt to users being able to browse them in virtual reality as well. Apps/OSs too.

Electricity is gonna be central to ALL of this. It happens to be a Fundamental Force.

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