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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7903078 [View]
File: 61 KB, 970x285, Real Pause.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since Senator Cruz committed the thought-crime of embarrassing the African-American president of the Sierra Club by informing him that there had been no warming for nearly two decades:

there has been relentless pressure on the purveyors of the satellite temperature data to "correct" the data.

Well one of them caved. Remote Satellite Systems (RSS) operated by a serious warmist suddenly discovered new diurnal corrections (those corrections have been done a long time ago).
Their "corrections" are so suspect that the Journal of Geophysical Research rejected their paper. I'm sure they found a shill journal elsewhere to publish.

So now there are only three clean data sources including one satellite: University of Alabama Huntsville that is trustworthy. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/12/17/press-release-agu15-the-quality-of-temperature-station-siting-matters-for-temperature-trends/ushcn-comparisons/ ; and the USCRN.

Now the bitter irony. The senate investigation of the "pause buster" temperature record coming out of the NOAA has gotten more intense.

And Arch-warmist Michael Mann is doing CYA; publishing a paper asserting that there really is a pause. Pic related. This says that people are running very scared. Ironically, the very strong El Nino we're having is ending the pause (though the following La Nina may bring it back).

This is all very disturbing. That there is so much intimidation here, that people will cave on their objectivity to get the "right" answer. It is truly disturbing. If the data doesn't fit the theory, so much the worse for the data. "Science" has become religion.

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